When you have so many quacks, your opening partner, perforce, will hold controls for his bid. Sure, some of the lesser honours in S are wasted, but his very empty holding may otherwise discourage movement.
A hand with three A minimum could be slam positive… if the shortage is not opposite the H concentration with luck.
The issue has to be the extent to which the 2C bid promises a suit eg reversing the H & C would make the presumed natural sequence much clearer and incline opener to upgrade both length and fitting Honours, but it depends on agreement.
The strength in HCP makes this hand good for a relay response ( best as discover shape and controls/wastage low),and my alternative would be to indicate a minimum balanced GF raise.
Fred Curtis
Sent from my iPad
> On 20 Jan 2024, at 2:44 am, 'Carl WEISMAN' via The Kaplan-Sheinwold Bidding System <
kaplan-s...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> This isn’t special to KS, but…