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B-14 question?

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Ronald Kalf

Dec 6, 2022, 4:47:50 PM12/6/22
to The Kaplan-Sheinwold Bidding System
1D-1M; 2C-3C: 4 cards in M, good long clubs; strong, forcing.
How strong can 3C be? With 12+ I‘d bid 1D-2C, right?
I could understand 3D as such, because 1D?2D denies 4crd M, but 2C does not.

3D and 3M: Gameforce; emphasis on honours in the suit of the jump. Why? I vaguely remember something about 1m-1M; 2R-3M where I suggested long, strong M, but I can‘t find the post and replies.


Dec 8, 2022, 3:32:43 PM12/8/22
to The Kaplan-Sheinwold Bidding System
How strong can 3C be?
      2C with a major suit rebid promises strong clubs, which I
would take as at least 5 topped by the A or K and 2 other
honors.   Can "good" clubs here be weaker than the "strong"
clubs in the immediate 2C?  I don't know.  Sometimes EK's
"good" seems to mean "strong:", but in other cases, I'm
not so sure.  Anyhow, if "good" can be a weaker suit than
"strong", responder can have 12+ HCP.

Emphasis on honors it the suit of the jump.  Why?
     Why not?  With a 5c non-descript M, responder can
force with 2M, perhaps taking a stab at 3NT over 3C with
10+ HCP.  With anything else non-descript, responder can
force with 2D.  I think, in general, second round jumps by 
responder should be purish, showing a concentration of
strength in the suit(s) bid by responder and at least mild 
slam intent.


dj_91311 Los Angeles

Jul 21, 2023, 1:53:58 PM7/21/23
to The Kaplan-Sheinwold Bidding System
Please note the semicolon after, “good, long clubs; strong …”

I don’t think the bid shows both good clubs and strong clubs. Recall that 1C — 1M — 2C — 2X — 2NT = Balanced 18 HCP.

Adam Wildavsky

Nov 9, 2024, 8:46:47 PM11/9/24
I suspect a typo. Did you mean 1d - 1M - 2c - 2X - 2N?

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