One week left - deadline for turning in signatures, November 15

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Rachel MacNair

Nov 8, 2021, 9:57:46 AM11/8/21
to Better Ballot KC, KC Initiative Trained Volunteers
Friends --

For last Tuesday's elections, which for Kansas City MO was only in Clay County, we covered 11 polling places. Larry Bradley at Northland Cathedral got 126 signatures! A reporter also came by and was impressed, which is a much better introduction to the campaign than any mere press release. So we're making exciting progress, but have much more progress to make. 

I remind everyone that we need all signatures by next Monday, November 15. If we have enough, we'll turn them in. 

Since this would require that several people turn in a couple hundred signatures, we anticipate it's more likely that we'll need to extend the deadline to November 30. That means a deadline not as ideal but still ought to work; the original deadline was allowing buffer for lots of things to go wrong and still get us on the April ballot, and we'd just need fewer things to go wrong. 

So if you were one that took just a few sheets for your friends, please either bring them by to me to notarize and turn in, or if that's not workable get them notarized elsewhere and send them in the mail. Libraries notarize for free, and banks generally will for their own customers. 

If you're one with many sheets, please bring them by to me to notarize and turn in by next Monday. I expect to be available all Sunday afternoon and Monday, and will be available most times before that if you let me know when you're coming.  (For those up north, you can turn them in to Larry Bradley, but they'd need to be notarized beforehand).

If you need more petition sheets, especially if you want to do a final push this weekend, those can also be picked up from me. 

-- Rachel MacNair
for Better Ballot KC
Voice and text: 816-753-2057
Address: 811 Cleaver II Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64110

For north drop-off: Larry Bradley, 8921 N Glenwood Ave, (402) 321-4851
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