SCOTUS immunity ruling

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Jul 1, 2024, 7:27:05 PM (4 days ago) Jul 1
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition

The end of democracy if Trump regains power
The end of democracy if some Trump acolyte gains power in the future
The only safeguard against monarchy is the morality of future POTUS. 
All official acts of POTUS get immunity. So now prosecution involves discussing what is "official"; and this will need to be discussed EVERY time. 
Among official acts it is clear that it includes any conversation with the DOJ. So Trump or Trump 2.0 can appoint an AG and then aim him at any/all political enemies that he chooses. This is approximately 180 degrees removed from the past 235 years of American existence. 
If Biden loses in November, I'd advise him to avail himself of EVERY opportunity to do a trial run (see what I did there Dave?) and see what he can get away with. Start with jailing Trump, Bannon, and several other future minions. Or maybe renditioning them to black sites for their "anti-American" activities. 
Or see if executing a political enemy is an "official act". What's the worst that can happen? Biden spends the rest of his life NOT getting jailed. 
This SCOTUS is a serious existential threat to America's future democracy. This decision was created out of whole cloth. The supposed "originalists" didn't have a single word in the USC to justify this ruling. They're as much "originalist" as they choose or choose not to be. 
So now every act that might be criminal will get adjudicated by the SC. Thus THEY get to decide what is legal/not legal. So they make POTUS an essential monarch; and they appoint themselves kingmaker. 
I suggest voting for Biden. Forget third party wasted votes. Trump needs to be turned out for good.

Jul 1, 2024, 7:42:23 PM (4 days ago) Jul 1
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
And for fun SCOTUS talked about the need for the President to sometimes take bold and definitive action; and be unafraid of legal consequence. You know, like dropping a H-bomb on Iran or Moscow. Or rounding up 20 million supposedly illegal immigrants and placing them in camps and then trains to the who knows where. Or, or, or. All legal; until somebody prosecutes. Then it goes to court, appeals to the SC and then...................
C'mon Joe; you're not gonna live much longer. Go out with a bang. 
There is the unspoken notion that Democrats would NEVER nominate a Trump-like character to test drive this ruling. Biden can prove them wrong with one fell swoop. Or retire now and let Kamala Harris wreak havoc. Then she can run for POTUS and seize office with her new found powers. 
C'mon Dems; don't wimp out now.

Jul 1, 2024, 7:56:37 PM (4 days ago) Jul 1
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
Example: Biden, under this ruling, could have ordered DOJ to NOT prosecute his son. Absolutely an official act. No contest. 
But Biden spoke tonight on MSNBC and gave a strong opinion about the ruling. Good or not, he PROMISED not to abuse the power granted. And he pointed out that Trump WILL abuse this power, starting on day 1.
The American experiment requires that elected officials embrace their oath of office. Starting with G. W.; who had every opportunity to be President for life. He gave up that opportunity. Trump will not. 
As a group we need to hope that he doesn't choose to go after Jews, misanthropes, and fat white truck drivers. 
Economists are on EVERYBODY's shit list. 

On Monday, July 1, 2024 at 6:27:05 PM UTC-5 wrote:
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