Sotomayor and Jackson issue scathing dissents of Trump immunity ruling

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Brian Kegerreis

Jul 1, 2024, 8:49:14 PM (3 days ago) Jul 1

Isn't there already an established mechanism for punishing Presidents who commit high crimes and misdemeanors? Doesn't that establish itself as thr only mechanism to deal with sitting Presidents? 
I haven't read the completruling, but I don't think it's as bad as some would have it be. If there isn't immunity then FDR should have been tried for how he treated Japanese citizens.

Jul 1, 2024, 9:36:11 PM (3 days ago) Jul 1
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
Yes, you haven't read or heard enough. 
Among the ruling was the SPECIFIC notion that conversation between POTUS and the AG is an official act. So POTUS can prevail on the AG to prosecute anyone he chooses. And if that person has the protection of the USC, he/she may go broke defending their constitutional rights. This includes asking the DOJ to conduct sham prosecutions against anyone. And if this is now "official acts" then impeachment has no weight. 
Besides, you know this, in reality, impeachment would require a Congress of one party, and a Senate with a 60 vote majority. That has happened...........never? Almost never? So in reality, POTUS will have unlimited power. 
And today, FDR could NOT have done that to the Japanese. But Trump WILL do that to undocumented people in the US. And in rounding up 20 million people, mistakes will be made. US citizens WILL be caught up in this dragnet. And this WILL be an "official act". As such it will be declared legal. And who can review the legality? Not Congress. Only the Supreme Court. And of course the current nine will tilt greatly in favor of a Republican POTUS and against a Democrat. 
So basically what you're happy with is an imperial President protected by a Supreme Court that has anointed itself as the arbiter of what is/isn't legal. Congress will lose great power here. And Congress is THE representative of the PEOPLE. 

The Supreme Court is counting on the fact that Democrats won't nominate a person likely to use this kind of power. Biden made it clear that he such a person. Trump has made it clear what he'll do given the power. And THIS Court has made it clear what they'll allow. 
BTW, the President can issue a pardon- and official act- and then take a million dollar payoff. Recall that paying a gov't official AFTER the favor is not now illegal. It's only bribery if the money comes first. 
Pay attention; people smarter and more nefarious than you are running this show. Just hope that they don't target fat white truckers. 

IMO, likely early events will include prosecution all kinds of Trump enemies, undoing massive amounts of gov't regulation, including EPA (for sure), renewable energy regs, limits on oil/gas production, protections of federal lands including National Parks. Voting rights laws will fall quickly. The SEC will fall. I can think of more; but the future is mapped out. Most mapping will be done by the Federalist Society, led by rich white males. 

In case one wonders how bad this is, many Republicans think it stinks. They know that the notion that Democrats won't put up an imperial candidate may not last forever. And an imperial Democrat can be every bit as bad as an imperial Republican.

Jul 2, 2024, 12:07:23 AM (3 days ago) Jul 2
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
History lesson in three parts to add context:
1) The water supply for San Francisco involved putting up a dam that flooded a valley as beautiful and scenic as Yosemite. It was John Muir's greatest failure, not securing that place from development. 
2) Plans to dam up Yosemite Valley have been floated off and on for decades. 
3) Plans to dam up the Grand Canyon have been  proposed a few times as well
An imperial POTUS may discover the power to do 2 & 3 under "official acts". Thus immune from scrutiny. 
I mention these because of my deep love of nature, combined with the history that exploiting it has always been front and center in the minds of white men.
When white men discovered sequoia trees, the first two people there were a logger and an environmentalist (exaggeration). They did cut down a few 2000 year old trees. But the naturalists quickly prevailed and protected the rest. Of course it helped greatly that sequoias make terrible lumber. Lucky them. Else they'd have gone the way of the bison and the passenger pigeon.
Forget the DOJ prosecuting fat white truckers; that's silly. But instead imagine them allowing an oil well in your back yard. Your property taken by eminent domain. An official act that you, and everyone else, are prevented from litigating.  And if you do spend millions to litigate, you'll be tossed by THIS Supreme Court sure as day.

Jul 2, 2024, 6:19:40 PM (3 days ago) Jul 2
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
More explanation for those  not paying adequate attention.
The SCOTUS ruling says that an official act that leads to an unofficial act or criminal act cannot be scrutinized as part of prosecution.
So, it's an official act for POTUS to ask DOJ to arrest someone- anyone. If it turns out that the action was somehow not legitimate, the conversation between POTUS and DOJ cannot be examined. So the official act is totally protected. 
Asking SEAL team 6 to assassinate someone is an official act. He's the Commander in Chief. He can issue such an order. If it turns out that the target wasn't really deserving of being killed, the order itself cannot be reviewed. 
I'm glad that BK thinks this might be okay. Just proves what we already know. 
I still think Biden should trot out this ruling ASAP. Take it for a test drive. Rendition Trump, Roger Stone, Bannon, 4 members of the Supreme Court, etc. Take them to a dark site and get them to sign resignation papers. Or end them. Hey, it's an official act. The only people that can review it are the courts. It has to a priori get to SCOTUS; and only 5 members are there to rule. Biden will get a free pass. 

Brian Kegerreis

Jul 2, 2024, 8:06:32 PM (3 days ago) Jul 2
The continued paranoid delusional utterings from the left is almost comical. If they were just court jesters it would be downright hilarious. Unfortunately they actually do infest the halls of power and therfore it's really quite sad.

Jul 2, 2024, 8:55:59 PM (2 days ago) Jul 2
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
Fuck you, Brian. 
Please explain what the "left" has said that's wrong or comical. An asshole comment like that needs some backup other than the hot air that comes from your anus. 
FYI, as if FYI means diddly to you, many NOT left people agree completely with what's being said. 
And if you really could read any better than a Southern Baptist, you would know that: 
John Roberts
Sam Alito
Brett Cavanaugh
Neil Gorsuch
ALL said in their Congressional confirmation hearings that NOBODY, including the President, is above the law. Roberts statement was definitive and forceful. POTUS is bound by the LAW, the Constitution, and all that implies. Now, he's done a clear 180. And all four of these clowns are on tape saying this. Since they all LIED, it would be an official act if POTUS had them indicted for lying to Congress. Biden could do that tomorrow. Acting officially, he could convey to Garland his desire to have these four arrested for a specific crime. Official act, approved by SCOTUS. No legal barrier. 
Go for it Joe. Have these four clowns removed. Leave Clarence as the token Negro. 
Too bad that idiots like you and the other Kool-aid drinkers don't see anything wrong. 

Feel free to make a statement that supports what you think is the right way to view this issue. Haven't heard any of that; just your distaste for the opinions of others.
So, fuck you, redux. 

Brian Kegerreis

Jul 2, 2024, 9:52:52 PM (2 days ago) Jul 2
The AC said no one is above the law. That Presidents have broad immunity for official acts.  Like when Obama ordered the droning murder of an American Citizen, which I was ok with. However they are not immune to prosecution for unnaficial acts. Then they sent the Jan 6th proaecutiok back to the lower courts. 
However we'll founded and reasonable that is since they didn't line Trump up against the wall and execute him it's the end of America. I mean it's almost funny.

Jul 2, 2024, 10:08:48 PM (2 days ago) Jul 2
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
Too many mis-types to quite get. 
But you're basically telling us what the ruling says. I already know what it said. 
You understand, I hope, that the decision about official/unofficial will be adjudicated by the courts. Presumably it will be appealed until it reaches the SC. So POTUS actions will be approved/disapproved by the SC. In the current situation that means that Trump minions will decide. They've already ruled in many ways in his favor. I don't believe in their ability to be fair and honest. They not only rule in his  favor; their language is often really harsh and not typical of jurists of this level. Of the Trump appointees, only Amt Barrett was willing to suggest ANY limits on what  POTUS could do. 
For you to suggest that there is nothing to see here, nothing to worry about, is the height of............something. 
Naive? Sold out? Really stupid? Deeply rabbit-holed? I dunno. 
So Obama offs an American terrorist. How about Trump nuking and enemy. 
How about Trump offing dozens of Americans that he judges to be "enemies of the state"? 
How about his PROMISE to arrest Biden, Clinton, etc, etc? His consultation with DOJ has already been declared official, specifically in the ruling. So even if the ask is not official (like murder), the discussion is protected. Therefore no way to prove conspiracy. 
Keep reading. The language is Hitlerian. 
The problem has been compared to Game of Thrones (didn't watch it). There is the King and there is the power behind the King. 


Jul 3, 2024, 8:34:23 AM (2 days ago) Jul 3
On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 8:52 PM Brian Kegerreis <> wrote:
The AC said no one is above the law. That Presidents have broad immunity for official acts.  Like when Obama ordered the droning murder of an American Citizen, which I was ok with. However they are not immune to prosecution for unnaficial acts. Then they sent the Jan 6th proaecutiok back to the lower courts. 
However we'll founded and reasonable that is since they didn't line Trump up against the wall and execute him it's the end of America. I mean it's almost funny. 

This is just fucking dumb, and you are an idiot.  

NO...Obama or any other president should not just be able to murder an american citizen, or any citizen, whether YOU approve of it or not!!!

He should have to show justifiable cause....such as self defense or an imminent threat....otherwise Obama or any other president should be tried, convicted, and put in FUCKING JAIL.  I'm assuming Obama did such, and therefore, we're good.  But the next President better do the same.....or Brian, Mr. Trump could decide fat white truckers fucking suck, which they do, and have you murdered in your repurcussions...with your blessings. All because he's a republican, and you are a fucking idiot. 

How goddam stupid do you have to be to not understand such a simple concept!??!?!?!?!?!

I'm so sick of you people. All of you. Americans. You suck. YOU. ME. All of us. 

Liberty dies to thunderous applause.

Jul 3, 2024, 11:26:12 AM (2 days ago) Jul 3
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
Wow, G, you're stealing my lines more and more. I'm glad that you're paying attention. Facultative misanthrope on display. 

Brian Kegerreis

Jul 3, 2024, 12:13:18 PM (2 days ago) Jul 3
I'm dumb and a fu king idiot for being the only sane person here. 

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Jul 3, 2024, 12:21:14 PM (2 days ago) Jul 3
On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 11:13 AM Brian Kegerreis <> wrote:
I'm dumb and a fu king idiot for being the only sane person here. 

You're a moron and your opinion is of little value. You add very little to this discussion list other than fodder for ridicule.

And you're getting worse. 10 years ago there was a chance a post of yours might hold value. Today that chance is nil. 

The truth hurts but I'm done sugarcoating. 

Brian Kegerreis

Jul 3, 2024, 12:40:36 PM (2 days ago) Jul 3
Nothing, literally nothing has changed with the supreme court decision. 

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Jul 3, 2024, 1:21:34 PM (2 days ago) Jul 3
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
True if you're a fat white trucker, BK
Try being an undocumented immigrant with a family
Try being someone who breathes air or drinks water. 
Try being someone who eats beef
Try being someone who relies on the safety of medications
Try being someone whose land might have an oil source on it. 
Try being someone. 
What you really don't get is that by this ruling official acts are being the purview of gov't scrutiny. This could allow POTUS to issue executive orders that then can't be challenged. 
Hey, but maybe your truck brakes won't need such careful inspection. Good luck coming down from the Eisenhower tunnel on I-70. Or good luck dodging some less well cared-for semi.

Jul 3, 2024, 10:53:09 PM (2 days ago) Jul 3
to Kansas City Diversity Coalition
Interesting tidbit tonight on MSNBC.
Trump's hush money case is "in the pipeline", meaning it ain't over yet. 
As such, any ruling made during this time will apply to his case. 
This means that SOME small parts of the case against him might get tossed; since they were "official acts". The example is his conversations with Hope Hicks. 
But, the good news (for us commies) is that Trump didn't bring it up at trial; so he likely can't bring it up now. Also, if it's a "harmless error" the verdict can stand. 
Stay tuned. 

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