Rendering engine for simulation of handwritten calligraphy

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pascal Baillehache

Jul 2, 2023, 9:55:57 AM7/2/23
to KanjiVG
Hi everyone,
I've been working for the last few months on a rendering engine for simulation of handwritten Japanese calligraphy. The engine is not tied to any character database in particular but I used the KanjiVG one as an example. The first version of the engine is complete,  while many improvements are still possible of course. As concrete examples of use, I've procedurally generated and rendered a "Banzuke" (ranking chart) for Japanese professional Go players, and a map of the parade of the Gion festival occuring this month in Kyoto. I've also written a formal article about how the engine works for those interested. Everything is available here:
Your comments are welcome !

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