System-metrics report prometheus

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Feb 15, 2018, 7:20:27 AM2/15/18
to kamon-user
Hi, im trying to connect system-metrics(v1.0.0) with prometehus(v2.2.0-rc.0) via kamon(v1.0.0).

The metrics that report system-metrics fail when im trying to visualize them in prometheus. I isolate the problem in one specific metric (host_file_system_usage_bytes)(class The code refine this metric with the name of devices in the computer (C:\, D:\, ....). The problem is when prometheus try to get the metric and found a special escape character "\".

Example from my localhost:xxxx/metrics:
host_file_system_usage_bytes{component="system-metrics",fs="D:\"} 9.0

To solve it, i only replace the \ with \\. But im not sure that is a global solution (probably not).

My question is: This is right in kamon.SystemMetrics and the bad funcionality is in prometheus or there are a possible solution for this integration problem? And if there are solution it will be integrated in the code?

Thanks and Regards.


Jan 21, 2019, 10:07:41 PM1/21/19
to kamon-user
.... "To solve it, i only replace the \ with \\."

How/where did you do that?
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