Iron-jawed angels for 130th ann.- public membership event

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Ruth Wahtera

Oct 12, 2011, 1:25:28 PM10/12/11
to,, Susan Hirsch, Pat Stedge,,,
Hi, Board members and members who indicated an interest in providing publicity or working on special events.

Let's hoot, cheer, hiss, and generally have a rollicking good time.

Ruth Bean and Ruth Wahtera are co-chairing a free Nov. public screening of Iron Jawed Angels -- the award-winning HBO story of the suffrage movement that the branch screened and loved last year. The screening will celebrate AAUW's 130th anniversary and introduce more people to AAUW and Action Network. People who join AAUW that day can get a discount.

Will you help?

Does anyone have a contact at the Rosendale Theater? We can contact them directly, but if we have an "insider" that would be better. We need to know what it would cost and what dates are available for a November evening showing and will their equipment project a DVD. The library evening hours are so limited that we thought this might be an alternative. (we want to reach working people for this event and can arrange rides for those who don't drive at night.)

We need people to work with us on publicity. To fill the theater we need to start right away -- as soon as we have a date -- with publicity so we can get it into the November calendars.

On how to effectively share AAUW with a large crowd.

On whether to solicit donations to our scholarship fund, national advocacy/legal action, our international portfolio -- any and all.

And a whole bunch of other things.

Urgent. If you can work on this short, but sweet project with us, please give Ruth or Ruth a call or email. There's not much lead time, but it should be a great time!

Thanks so much.
Ruth Wahtera

PS - I don't have email addresses for Jan Young, Ethel Michelson, Anita Milikovsky, or Sara Skalla. Virginia Kohle and Bev Sloane don't have email. They all expressed an interest in special events or publicity, so if you know them or see them, please pass this information along.

Rokki Carr

Oct 12, 2011, 2:39:45 PM10/12/11
Yes, I have a contact or 2.

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Rokki Carr

Oct 12, 2011, 2:41:44 PM10/12/11
Yes, a DVD is fine.

On Oct 12, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Ruth Wahtera wrote:

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