GAFE Vs Microsoft 365 Preso or datasheet

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Martin Cisneros

Oct 18, 2013, 12:26:51 PM10/18/13
I need some help. I have a school district who is in the middle of deciding between going GAFE or Microsoft 365. Does anyone have a preso or a data sheet they would like to share as to why you went with GAFE?

Greatly appreciated!

Yours In Tech Ed,

Martin Ricardo Cisneros, M.Ed.
Educational Technology Consultant

Bjorn Behrendt

Oct 18, 2013, 12:43:32 PM10/18/13
to Martin Cisneros, K12 Google Apps Tech List
It was not that hard a choice.   Just try sharing a document and working together.   GAFE wins hands down.  If you want further proof, then also look at the third party tools, like sites, youtube, google marketplace apps, and chrome webstore.    

Bjorn Behrendt M.Ed ~ Never Stop Learning
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Melinda Waffle

Oct 18, 2013, 1:12:55 PM10/18/13
to Martin Cisneros, k12appstech
Here are the resources some people shared on this listserv a couple years ago as we were trying to make the same choice - may be a little outdated, but they helped us.  There are three messages I've pasted in the appropriate links below.

Best wishes!
Melinda Waffle
Educational Technology Consultant
Calhoun Intermediate School District
Marshall, MI

Message #1 -

From: Joseph Hartman <>
Date: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: Live@edu vs google apps
Cc: "Curts, Eric" <
>, Chris Franzen <>

Here's a final one for you that I put together a while back:

Message #2 -

From: Doug Sawyer <>
Date: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: Live@edu vs google apps
To: Sheri <>, "" <>

Here is a spreadsheet I found @  It also compares Groupwise.  One thing I noticed that's outdated is Gmail box size is now 25GB istead of 7GB.

Message #3 -

From: Curts, Eric <>
Date: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Live@edu vs google apps
To: Sheri <>
Cc: "" <>

I put our analysis of why we chose Google Apps over Office365 (what used to be called Live@EDU) in a presentation about our Google Apps roll out.  You can find the presentation at:

The presentation is called "Rolling out Google Apps for Education" and the specific slides you will want are 7 through 10.

In short, both offer similar features, but Google Apps is free and Office365 is very expensive (if you want to try to match the features of Google Apps).



Your work may be finished someday, but your education, never.  -Alexandre Dumas the Elder

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Martin Cisneros <> wrote:

Kyle Brumbaugh

Oct 18, 2013, 1:20:09 PM10/18/13
to k12appstech
Thanks for the resources everyone.  I have some research that I did on my own that leads to the same conclusions you all reached in your own way through your documents.  

Thanks again,



Nov 16, 2013, 8:59:58 AM11/16/13


Can you post some of your findings? Yours are more up-to-date since you just did the research.
There are schools still looking into this, comparing the two.

Carol LaRow

Kyle Brumbaugh

Nov 18, 2013, 12:49:41 PM11/18/13
to larowc, Google Apps K12 Technical Forum
Hi All,

Here is the matrix I developed to compare feature sets between productivity suites and processes that some of our teachers were using together (Dropbox and Wikispaces) 

Hope this helps...



Bjorn Behrendt

Nov 18, 2013, 1:03:51 PM11/18/13
to Kyle Brumbaugh, K12 Google Apps Tech List
Some other questions I would suggest adding:

1. Do you own your data?  Google Yes, Dropbox No
2. FERPA compliant? Google Yes

Note: It may not be pretty but with App Script some may argue that Google offers a limited database 

Considering the questions you asked I would add Zoho to your list of options. 

Bjorn Behrendt M.Ed ~ Never Stop Learning
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Kyle Brumbaugh

Nov 18, 2013, 1:12:57 PM11/18/13
to Bjorn Behrendt, K12 Google Apps Tech List

We looked at all of the options that teachers were currently using.  While Zoho would add some functionality in some areas, it was not something that we had people on our site using.  The reason for our investigation was to look at what people were using, the functionality of each version and how we could move toward one "productivity work flow solution" for all students and teachers.  The main complaint the students had was that they had to learn multiple workflows because teachers were using a variety of different ways to distribute and collect information.  Our end goal was to minimize number of different ways students were working and collaborating with teachers and their peers.   Based on this process, we selected GAFE because it allowed for the greatest number of collaborative experiences and it had the easiest learning curve. 



Bjorn Behrendt

Nov 18, 2013, 1:18:49 PM11/18/13
to Kyle Brumbaugh, K12 Google Apps Tech List
Oh, I fully agree with GAFE providing the best workflow, thanks for sharing.

Bjorn Behrendt M.Ed ~ Never Stop Learning
   Google Apps For Education Certified Trainer
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gClassFolders ~ Create Google folders for your class.

Kevin O'Donnell

Nov 18, 2013, 5:24:46 PM11/18/13
That is a very thorough comparison - well done.  I would probably add the Google Drive application that you can download and use like Drop Box in a section comparing the two. 
We went GAFE awhile ago and agree with the other statements as well.  For us it was also based on price - Windows License, Office License, Exchange License, cost to run and maintain server vs all that we got from GAFE and the only real cost being the Postini Archive and discovery.  Couple with the lower cost of the Chromebooks vs Windows machines, and the ease of management of those devices I am not sure why many schools aren't going Google in these economic times.

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