External Calendar Sharing

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Rebecca Johnson

Oct 21, 2021, 9:28:50 AM10/21/21
to k12ap...@googlegroups.com
I am in a K-12 Google Workspace environment. When users create a calendar event and invite external guests the message bounces and the external guest never received the invite. External calendar sharing is clearly allowed in the Admin Console. Also, when the invitation is sent a message pops up confirming that they would like to send it to an external guest. Anyone else experiencing this and/or found a fix?


Rebecca Johnson
Technology Support
Northwestern Lehigh School District
6493 Route 309
New Tripoli, PA 18066
Phone: 610-298-8661 x2106

Beth Cohen

Oct 21, 2021, 9:35:18 AM10/21/21
to Rebecca Johnson, k12ap...@googlegroups.com
Does your district prevent emails from going to an external address?  That's been a problem for us in the past with student accounts.

Beth Cohen (she/her)
Librarian and AP Research Teacher
K-12 Library Department Chair
Strath Haven HS
205 S. Providence Rd
Wallingford, PA 19086


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