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Aug 16, 2013, 11:21:39 PM8/16/13
Sábado, 10 de Agosto, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

INDEPENDENCIA DEL ECUDADOR 2013: Felices Fiestas de la Independencia del yugo español en estos días le deseamos a cada uno de nuestros hermanos y hermanos de nuestro Ecuador Grande, delante de nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que nos bendiga grandemente cada día de nuestras vidas y aun así más allá de la nueva eternidad celestial, en el reino celestial.
También, le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial que conteste cada una de las peticiones de los corazones de nuestros hermanos y hermanas, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que en el poder del Espíritu Santo sus peticiones sean hechas una realidad para alegría y enriquecimiento de cada día de sus almas eternas.
Que nuestro Padre celestial siempre los llene del Espíritu Santo de su amor eterno que persistentemente ha tenido por cada uno de sus hijos e hijas en todas y cada una de nuestras familias ecuatorianas, dentro de nuestras tierras y lejos de ellas también.
¡Feliz Día de La Independencia Ecuatoriana a todos en este año glorioso y de grandes bendiciones eternales!

RECORDAMOS LAS VICTIMAS DE ROSARIO, ARGENTINA: En estos momentos deseamos recordar también las familias de las doce victimas que desaparecieron en un fuego terrible en la ciudad de Rosario, en Argentina, cuando un escape de gas se volvió en un infierno, el cual tomo mucho tiempo para ser controlado por los bomberos de la ciudad.
Nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones son para las familias de las victimas y por toda la gran ciudad del Rosario, en Argentina, nuestras oraciones delante de nuestro Padre celestial son siempre para que los bendiga grandemente con los poderes asombrosos de su glorioso y Todopoderoso Espíritu Santo, consolando así sus corazones de este dolor de perder a sus amados.
Hoy en día, cada uno de ellos camina tomado de la mano de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de sus santos ángeles en el reino de los cielos delante de nuestro Padre celestial, para seguir amando, sirviendo y glorificando su santísimo nombre que los a redimido del poder del mal eterno para siempre.
Ciertamente, ellos han encontrado la felicidad eterna de servir a nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, en su nueva vida infinita del nuevo reino angelical, La Nueva Jerusalén santa y gloriosa del cielo. ¡Amén!


The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s written holy-life in the first two stone-tablets descended Mount Sinai with Moses immediately to lay down his divine-life before our heavenly Father, so His wrath may not destroy Israel as they were caught worshipping a golden calf, instead of honoring and worshipping His blessed high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that removes sin forever. Then, by our heavenly Father’s command: Moses descended with the two stone-tablets written by the finger of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) the Ten Commandments, commandments that were to be obeyed diligently by the people of Israel, so the holy-life of the King Messiah could be possible on earth at last to save them from sin forever.

Moreover, as Moses descended the mountaintop after meeting with our Lord Jesus Christ for forty-days and forty-nights, then he knew what Israel had done with the jewelry that they had received from the Egyptians, as they left Egypt to cross the Red sea to enter into the Sinai’s desert to stand before our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day. Moses with Israel needed to stand at the foot of Mount Sinai, because this is the place where our Lord Jesus Christ had shed his atoning-blood to create the world (and all things), including Israel (our heavenly Father’s dream nation of priests and Gods to love, serve and glorify Him forever), so they may see him face-to-face for the first time.

On this day, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to bless their lives powerfully with his atoning-blood by drinking from the eternal injured-rock the living-water that gives life, but also conveys the genome of every man, woman and child on earth to become born again, by the power of the Holy Spirit to enter into heaven’s glory forever saved into all eternity. Without doubt, our heavenly Father had brought Israel from Egypt not to sin against Him and the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, by fashioning a golden calf to worship it as the Gods that liberated them from slavery to enter the Sinai’s desert, but they were liberated instead to know Him through His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s amazing sacrificed-life.

Indeed, this was an important step for Israel to take thus to start a perfect relationship with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit of the commandments and of His blessed name that dwells in holiness within the heart and divine-life of His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is His high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed Israel to know the all-powerful sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because it is only through him that He can create all things, furthermore have a special relationship with the angels in heaven and with every man, woman and child on earth, so perfection and holiness may be exalted always in eternal wholesomeness through all eternity.

For Jesus Christ alone is the divine-life that our heavenly Father needed to see in every man, woman and child within Israel, beginning with Moses and Aaron, so they may become His legitimate children reborn by the powers of the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot, just as Isaac had to be born from the Holy Spirit to become Abraham’s child. Meaning also, that to become Abraham’s child these days then you must be born by the powers of the Holy Spirit even though your mother’s womb is barren and unfruitful (or passed away already), so you can truly call yourself Abraham’s children, otherwise you have never been born into Abraham’s Covenant of Life much less live it as you should.

Therefore, Israel vowed to follow and obey our heavenly Father into everything that He may call them to do at Mount Sinai’s foot, so they may have a perfect relationship with Him on earth and in heaven, because everything that He was doing with Israel, it was for eternity, however, Israel failed to understand His call to become His obedient children. At Mount Sinai’s foot, they wondered what had happened to Moses after he had been gone for forty-days and forty-nights, Moses just ascended the mountaintop and never descended from it, it was their constant concern, therefore they decided that this was time to worship the Gods that had liberated them from Egypt, so they asked Aaron to fashion Gods to lead them.

It is here when Aaron said to the people: You need to have your gods, then tell your wives and children to give you the jewelry that you received from the Egyptians as you left Egypt, and bring them to me, so I may fashion the Gods that you want to have now. The people immediately went to their wives and children to gather all the gold jewelry that they received from the Egyptians as they left Egypt to cross the Red sea thus to enter into the Sinai’s desert to stand before our heavenly Father’s great mountain to come to know for the first time the amazing sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ.

Aaron took all the jewelry and threw them into a very hot furnace to fashion the Gods that the Israelites wanted to have thus to lead them into the desert in search of the new land where they will start anew the life that they had long for, for more than four-hundred years in a terrible and cruel Egyptian captivity. Suddenly, there it was a golden calf fashioned after the Gods that the Israelites had come to know in Egypt, and the great and might works that they had done thus to liberate them from the power of their enemies that were unwilling to let them go to the land that our heavenly Father had prepared for them to possess forever.

These Gods were a golden calf that not only offended our Lord Jesus Christ great salvation work that he had lovingly manifested over Mount Sinai to Moses, Aaron, and the seventy elders from Israel, but also had offended our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit of the written two stone-tables of the commandments, given to them initially by Moses’ hands. And because of this terrible sin that had offended our heavenly Father and his blessed Son Jesus Christ, then our heavenly Father wanted to exterminate Israel until the last man, because the Israelites had sinned against the wonderful sacrifice of the Holy Spirit that had descended with his divine-life timely at Mount Sinai’s foot for them to be saved.

This was an important sacrifice of the Holy Spirit that had to be executed at Mount Sinai’s foot on that hour, because our heavenly Father was ready to exterminate Israel for breaking the vow to obey Him faithfully in everything that He will do to liberate them forever from Egypt through His Son Jesus Christ finally to take them into Canaan. This was a powerful sacrifice of the Holy Spirit to be executed immediately so Israel may live, because there was no one ready to put his life to save Israel from our Father’s wrath for committing the sin to worship a worthless idol that fails to see, hear, smell, understand, thus to love as God loves humankind through Jesus Christ’s written life.

Therefore, this superb sacrifice of the Holy Spirit had to be executed immediately as Moses descended from Mount Sinai’s with the two stone-tablets that were been held by two arms, so just as Moses realized that Israel had sinned against our Father and the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ, then unexpectedly the written commandments departed from Moses’ hands into the earth. Here is when the Holy Spirit said to our heavenly Father: I will die for Israel for the sin that they had committed against you, and the glorious sacrificed-life of your blessed Son Jesus Christ—and so the Holy Spirit at once descended to the heart of the earth to save Israel from certain death, by taking their place in the abysm.

Here is where the first two stone-tablets (after they hit the earth violently) the Holy Spirit descended to the heart of the earth for the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, so they will not have to descend to it but, later, in due time, Jesus Christ will do it to resurrect on the third day with the commandments glorified forever. Therefore, because the Holy Spirit of the first two stone-tablets was to a certain degree touched by Israel’s sin (after they fashioned a golden calf to worship it on that day and for generations), then the Holy Spirit had to lay down his divine-life so Israel may live to give us a new birth from the Holy Spirit: The King Messiah!

This meant also for our heavenly Father that the eternal life that He had brought Israel to receive and know for generations to come, they had abandoned it by worshiping a worthless idol that meant nothing forever, now this holy written-life descended to the heart of the earth, and only Jesus Christ in person can raise it on the third day. Now, the Holy Spirit laid down his divine-life before our heavenly Father, so He may not execute His judgment—judgment that was going to be executed lawfully, so Israel may die in her sin forever dammed, never to rise to life much less live in all eternity, because it was impossible for them to survive the eternal consequences of this sin.

Therefore, because of this great sacrifice of the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot, for the love of our heavenly Father’s word granted to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then he needed Israel to overcome this terrible-incident with Him and the sacrificed-life of our Lord Jesus Christ, so the Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his allies may live to fullness. Furthermore, as the Holy Spirit descended to the lowest part of the earth to protect the Israelites, that is, if our heavenly Father decided justly to execute His judgment and wrath for having worshipped a golden calf as the Gods that had saved them from Egypt’s slavery, then Abraham with his children was surprised to see the commandments side-by-side in the abysm.

Therefore, as Abraham and his children saw the Holy Spirit of the first two stone-tablets of the commandments descend next to them in the abysm, then our heavenly Father had fulfilled His promises to him that he will be lifted to paradise with his children on the third day the minute our Lord Jesus Christ will defeat Satan and his lie forever. For the Holy Spirit had descended to where the Israelites were to descend condemned in hell’s torment for sinning against our heavenly Father and His blessed Son Jesus Christ that had done so much for them to escape Egypt’s slavery to become a nation liberated to love, serve, and glorify Him through our Lord Jesus Christ’s amazing nonstop sacrificed-life.

Consequently, this sacrifice of the Holy Spirit’s love and grace to lay down his divine-life for Israel to be able to stand before our heavenly Father at Mount Sinai’s foot ready to judge them guilty for their sin against our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life, then our Father was able to hear Moses’ prayer to forgive graciously Israel for this rebellious sin. Meaning that without this magnificent sacrifice of the Holy Spirit ready to put his divine-life for Israel to escape our heavenly Father’s judgment and wrath because of the golden calf, then Moses’ prayer to forgive this terrible sin would have being fruitless; however, thanks to the Holy Spirit move to sacrifice his divine-life to save Israel, so Moses’ prayer had power to endure.

At the moment of Moses’ prayer, for Israel to be saved from this terrible sin that was ready to take them cursed and condemned forever into hell’s torment, our heavenly Father was watching and considering greatly within His righteous heart for all the steps that the Holy Spirit took to lay down his divine-life to save Israel. Therefore, it was the combination of the Holy Spirit’s sudden sacrifice to lay down his divine-life before our heavenly Father’s eyes at Mount Sinai’s foot with Moses’ prayer that touched His very holy demanding heart to think of the great sacrifice that our Lord Jesus Christ would do in the last days to save Israel, and the nations forever from sin.

Now, the Holy Spirit needed to sacrifice his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot because our heavenly Father was ready to destroy the children that he had given birth with Isaac, as his mother Sarah failed to bear him naturally a son to Abraham and to the Covenant of Life that our Father had started with him and his allies. Therefore, on this day of judgment of our heavenly Father against Israel for fashioning Gods in a golden calf that they had accepted and worshipped already, instead of honoring, worshipping, and glorifying His Son Jesus Christ as their liberator, it was the correct thing to do for the Holy Spirit to save the work that he had Righteously started with Isaac.

On this day, the Holy Spirit felt the love within his holy heart for his son Isaac that he preferred to lay his divine-life to save him that he had given birth miraculously through Sarah’s barren-womb, so Abraham may have a son from the Covenant of Life already established by our heavenly Father through His blessed Son Melchizedek, as His perfect Righteousness. Therefore, it was because of the powerful love that the Holy Spirit felt for Isaac as his son, and for the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father had established with Abraham and his friends that he decided to lay down his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel from certain death, and the eternal condemnation in hell’s torment.

Here we see that the Holy Spirit did not only manifest his great love that he feels eternally for Isaac and his children, but also that he was ready lay down his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel and every man, woman and child from all the nations of the world, so love, truth, justice may prevail for everyone forever. Moreover, the Holy Spirit did not think twice to lay down his divine-life in an eternal sacrifice at Mount Sinai’s foot, because the same love that our heavenly Father feels for Isaac is the ancient love that he feels for our Lord Jesus Christ, and for every living-soul within Israel and the nations later to be manifested passionately over Jerusalem’s holy hill.

Meaning also, that what we saw the Holy Spirit do at Mount Sinai’s foot as he lay down his divine-life before our heavenly Father, as an eternal sacrifice to save Israel from the terrible sin of the golden calf, these days is the same love that our Lord Jesus Christ manifests over Jerusalem’s holy hill to save Israel and the nations. Moreover, the Holy Spirit feels this great ancient love for each one of us just as he normally feels it within his holy heart for our heavenly Father and for His blessed Son Jesus Christ, it is because we were born from him initially in heaven to become our Father’s image to live according to His Son’s likeness forever into eternity.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit knows very well (because he is omniscient, omnipresent, and all-powerful) that we will eventually become reborn from the powers of his eternal love that he feels for each one of us through the wonderful sacrificed-life of our heavenly Father’s blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrected life thus to become our Father’s legitimate children these days for eternity. Certainly, this spiritual manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s fraternal love displayed at Mount Sinai’s foot, as he granted his divine-life to save Israel from our heavenly Father’s wrath is the love that has been shed since throughout Israel and the nations to this day through His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-life, so we may become eventually liberated from Satan and his lie.

Surely, this is our heavenly Father’s ancient love manifested for each one of us through His Holy Spirit, as he lay down his divine-life to save Israel from certain judgment, moreover this eternal love for us is manifested through the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ through David’s virgin daughter, so we may become liberated from the cursed of the Law. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ was able to liberate each one of us from the eternal curse of the Law, because he is the only one born from the power of the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter to live a sacred-life before the Law thus fulfilling the Holy Spirit to glorify it forever on earth and in heaven.

Besides, our Lord Jesus Christ manifested our heavenly Father’s eternal love for every man, woman and child, because he stated that: For our Father so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him may never die eternally condemned in hell’s torment but, instead have abundant life on earth and in heaven forever into everlasting. This is our heavenly Father’s eternal love manifested to every one through the ages, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, because He so loved Adam and his children that He commanded him to eat from every fruit from paradise, including the tree of life that is His nonstop supreme sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ thus to live forever.

Besides, this amazing love for our heavenly Father and the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ already exists within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, by the power of the Holy Spirit, thus the only thing you have to do today is to revive it by being reborn, by the Holy Spirit that granted you life initially in heaven. Meaning that for this amazing love to be possible within your heart, just as it is everlastingly within our heavenly Father’s holy heart, and that of His Son Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit had to sacrifice his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot thus for our Father to see that His love is possible within the Israelites’ hearts although they sinned terribly.

Therefore, it was mainly the sacrifice of the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot right after Israel had sinned by fashioning a golden calf with the jewelry received from the Egyptians that supported mightily and with great faith Moses’ prayer before our heavenly Father to forgive Israel’s sin, and to allow them to live, so His name may be glorified today everywhere. For our heavenly Father needed to glorify His powerful name not only within Egypt thus to liberate Israel from the eternal chains and shackles of slavery, but also He needed to glorify His great name within the nations, so they may believe in Him for forgiveness, healing, and blessing of their lives with their entire land with the livestock, as well.

For it was very easy for our heavenly Father to glorify His holy name within the presence and superb power of His faithful holy angels, but there is also another thing to glorify His great name within the lives of those that had descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for example, so the nations may trust faithfully His word for anything forever. And this means that the Holy Spirit needed to sacrifice his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot, because not only Israel’s existence was in danger but also the glory of our heavenly Father’s great name on earth with the nations and in heaven with the angels, so the Holy Spirit needed to descend to the heart of the earth to stand victoriously forever.

Now, the Holy Spirit descended to the earth’s hot-core to where sinners descend condemned by our heavenly Father because of the guilt of sin, so they may pay forever for the terrible consequences of their wicked acts, and this to sin against His nonstop supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, and over the mountaintops. That is to say, also that everyone that has ever descended to hell’s torment, it has been because they have sinned against our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the mountaintops (either at Mount Sinai or Jerusalem’s holy hill), so they may pay in hell’s torment for their guilt forever.

Moreover, these people from ancient worlds that have descended into hell’s torment the day they died without having received our Lord Jesus Christ, as their personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, then they want to repent from this terrible sin, but it is all too late for them, and they have to stay in hell forever cursed. They beg constantly our heavenly Father to allow them to return to earth just for one minute’s time to repent from this terrible sin to have neglected in receiving within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation that Jesus Christ is their high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to clean them from sin forever.

However, there is no more time for them, all the opportunities that they had to say the sinner’s prayer before our heavenly Father in heaven are exhausted, never to return again, because now they are dead and damned to pay for the guilt of their sin for rejecting Jesus Christ, as they had the open opportunity time-and-time again to receive him forever. For in hell’s torment, our heavenly Father’s love, mercy, power, and grace to save through the glorious resurrected sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase our sins, thus to fill our living souls with eternal life, are gone almost certainly forever, never to be seen again into endless years.

That is why that we have to say our sinner’s prayer these days before it is too late to lookup to heaven to say it before our heavenly Father, so the perfect holiness that our Lord Jesus Christ has conquered for us within Israel, then they may be applied into our living-souls forever thus never to descend dead into hell’s torment. For our Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness does not take anyone into hell’s torment thus to abandon you there forever to suffer the terrible consequences of your guilt to have offended our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, by rejecting violently His blessed Son Jesus Christ that died for you timely, so you may live today forever save heavenly-bound.

Therefore, instead we will ascend with the glorified-body that our Lord Jesus Christ has for us within his divine-body thus to fill it with eternal life to enter into our heavenly Father’s holy presence in heaven never to abandon Him again because of sin, because this time we will be as perfect and holy as we could ever be into everlasting. We will be as our heavenly Father is from head to foot filled with perfect holiness: The perfect holiness that our Lord Jesus Christ has always lived with from eternity into eternity never to know sin but, instead only (know) the amazing pristine-life of our heavenly Father, and of His Holy Spirit to love, serve, and glorify Him forever into eternity.

Certainly, we have all attained these great abundant blessings through the years until this day, because our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit sacrificed his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot, so our Father will not break His Covenant of Life with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because of the golden calf that the Israelites fashioned to worship as the Gods that liberated them from bondage. This spiritual sacrifice of the Holy Spirit, as he laid his divine-life to take Isaac’s children place at the abysm of earth, within our heavenly Father’s heart, it has not been forgotten to this day, but, instead He remembers it constantly just as He remembers the day our Lord Jesus Christ surrendered his divine-life over the mountaintop to destroy sin forever.

Definitely, if our heavenly Father remembers every day the amazing sacrifice of the Holy Spirit as he laid down his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot, so to intercede for Israel, so our heavenly Father will not pour His wrath over the entire nation thus to destroy it, then we should also never forget it these days on earth and in heaven forever. The amazing sacrifice of the Holy Spirit as he laid down his holy-life at Mount Sinai’s foot to appease our heavenly Father’s wrath against Israel, we should cherish it within our hearts every day just as our Father and His holy angels remember it to this day, so blessings of love, truth, and justice may enrich us all the more into everlasting.

Wholly, it is because of this amazing sacrifice of the Holy Spirit, as he put down his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot so Israel may live, then these days we can be born from the Holy Spirit to escape Satan’s lie, curses, and death on earth and in hell’s torment thus to become our heavenly Father’s legitimate children filled with Righteousness infinitely. Unquestionably, it is this sacred sacrifice of the Holy Spirit that he conquered at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel from our heavenly Father’s wrath, it is these days since then what lead us every day of our entire lives on earth through the way, truth, and resurrected-life that is Jesus Christ taking us into our heavenly Father’s holy presence in heaven.

Indeed, this is the sacrifice of the Holy Spirit that introduces us into our Lord Jesus Christ’s presence today, so we may live his holy birth from David’s virgin daughter, so he may introduce not only eternal life into Israel and the nations but also the sacred-body, the unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood to dress us sinless on earth and in heaven perpetually. Indisputably, the Holy Spirit’s sacrifice at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel from certain death in hell’s torment because of the worship to the golden calf is the door that opens into our Lord Jesus Christ’s divine-presence thus to become born from his perfect Righteousness, the perfect Righteousness that pleases our heavenly Father these days on earth and forever in heaven.

This was the reason that Abraham with his allies had to sit at the Lord’s Table so Melchizedek may serve the bread and wine to eat his perfect Righteousness thus to start a new Covenant of Life that will give us Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, and lastly Jesus Christ from David’s daughter virgin womb for eternal life to thrive throughout the earth. For the Holy Spirit was the door that opened in the world for Isaac to be born from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, but also the Holy Spirit was the door that opened within Canaan for our Lord Jesus Christ to enter into Israel’s life through David’s virgin womb, so we may have access through the Holy Spirit today into heaven’s glory forever justified.

Naturally, blessings are possible throughout Israel and the nations, because of the initial sacrifice of the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot as he laid down his divine-life, so Israel may not die on that terrible day but, instead live to fulfill the blessings of Abraham’s Covenant of Life for our Lord Jesus Christ to be born on earth in good time. Furthermore, because our Lord Jesus Christ was born on earth by the power of the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter, so we may have eternal life with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood not only to erase our sins forever but also to grant us eternal life every step of the way these days back into heaven’s glory, and beyond eternity.

These days, you should give glory to our heavenly Father for the amazing sacrifice that His Holy Spirit executed at Mount Sinai’s foot, as He was ready to pass judgment against Israel, because of the golden calf that they erroneously fashioned as the Gods that liberated them from Egypt, so you may feel today how persistently the Holy Spirit loves you since ever. Moreover, our heavenly Father will surely bless you mightily in anything that you may ask by the power of His blessed name, because He loves dearly the Holy Spirit of His commandments and of His blessed name, so you may feel the infilling of the Holy Spirit as He saturates your life with powers from earth, and from heaven above into everlasting.

These are powerful blessings that you should receive these days not only because you needed them desperately from the holy presence of the Holy Spirit to enrich you, but also because your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, needed to be blessed mightily the same, so they may feel the love, presence, and the amazing ever-present gifts of the Holy Spirit. Satan with his heartless cronies will try all that he can to keep you away from the love, presence, and mighty gifts of the Holy Spirit from blessing your life, and that of your loved ones, too, and this will be possible only as long as you stay away from our heavenly Father and the presence of His Son Jesus Christ.

For Satan knows perfectly that as you approach our heavenly Father through the way, truth, and sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, then you will become born from the power of the Holy Spirit to receive authority from heaven above at once thus to become our heavenly Father’s legitimate child reborn to love, serve, and glorify Him forever into eternity. And this is richness in your life that Satan will hate to see you receive to enjoy with your loved ones and friends as well, because as you are blessed by our heavenly Father through the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit then you have become just as powerful as our Lord Jesus Christ is on earth nowadays, and in heaven forever.

Really, Satan will attack you because he hates you since the day you were born in heaven, by the power of the Holy Spirit in our heavenly Father’s image to live according to the likeness of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, moreover he hates you because he knows that you are going to enjoy heaven’s glory perpetually, and he is not. Satan also hates you with all his fallen angels because you can be born by the power of the Holy Spirit, by just believing within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation the anointed name of Jesus Christ, so you may inherit forever the heaven’s glory that he abandoned with his fallen angels for eternity.

Truthfully, the life of our Lord Jesus Christ is the sacrificed-life that has already defeated Satan and his terrible lie with all his deceptions that have led people into terrible curses, infirmities, and even deadly traps on earth to descend into hell’s torment cursed into eternity, so you may become resurrected immediately before our heavenly Father’s holy presence in heaven forever. Surely, Satan will always hate you with his cronies, because you will inherit the amazing-life of our Lord Jesus Christ to enjoy into all eternity the perfect holiness that he has conquered within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai, and lately over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may become the God and priest for God’s eternal service in heaven.

Moreover, this glorious sacrificed-life that our Lord Jesus Christ has already lived within Israel and before the eyes of so many of his brothers and sisters, then he has fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the commandments, so Satan will never be able to accuse any one of sin but, instead grant you forgiveness, healing, blessing, and eternal life forever in heaven’s glory. Surely, our heavenly Father has blessed each one of us mightily through the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the mountaintops, so these days we may live a miracle-life worthy of His blessed name for the peoples from all the nations to see that He lives eternally to bless them everlastingly.

Timely, our heavenly Father has blessed us mightily on earth and in heaven forever with the supreme celestial-sacrifice of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, and with the sacrifice of the Holy Spirit as he laid down his divine-life at Mount Sinai’s foot to protect Israel from our heavenly Father’s judgment, so these days we may live for Him everlastingly blessed. Meaning also, that our heavenly Father has blessed each one of us in the heavenly places way above where He lives eternally blessed with the perfect holiness of the all-powerful sacrificed-life of his blessed Son Jesus Christ that defeated Satan for the glory of His name, moreover saved us by the power of His atoning-blood to return to heaven anyday now.

And because we exist nowadays for our heavenly Father in heaven, then this means that our Lord Jesus Christ nonstop supreme celestial-sacrifice of his atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest and over the mountaintops, and the timely sacrifice of the Holy Spirit that gave his divine-life for Israel at Mount Sinai’s foot, right now these sacrifices are considered-and-respected continually within our Father’s heart. That way, if our heavenly Father continually remembers these sacrifices within His holy heart, because of what our Lord Jesus Christ did first within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the mountaintops, moreover what the Holy Spirit lawfully did with his divine-life to rescue Israel from destruction, then we should also bear these sacrifices within our hearts for justice.

We should also consider within our hearts every day of our entire lives what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for our salvation, and what the Holy Spirit did as well to save Israel from such a terrible judgment that they had fallen into because of the terrible sin to worship a golden calf, instead of worshiping His Son Jesus Christ. We should bless our heavenly Father’s holy heart by remembering within our hearts every day of our lives thus to honor and exalt every work that our Lord Jesus Christ has done in heaven, and what the Holy Spirit did as well at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel, so we may enjoy our salvation with our Father today, The Holy One!

Furthermore, if we please our heavenly Father’s heart in heaven these days, then we will be causing our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to bless us mightily with blessings that we will never be able to dream about them until they descend from heaven above thus to saturate our lives with powers and eternal authorities of blessings into everlasting. These are all-powerful blessings that you will certainly need these days thus to enrich your life with love, healing, peace, and endless prosperity that will bring eternal joys into your heart (and that of your loved ones as well) that people will be surprised to see our heavenly Father doing wonderful things to all those that blesses His holy name progressively.

For the daily work of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that of the Holy Spirit, whether this is in heaven with the angels or on earth with every man, woman and child from all the nations is to love, exalt, glorify our heavenly Father’s holy name, so great things may develop not only in heaven but also all over the earth. That way, the sacrifices that our heavenly Father has received from our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven over Mount Sinai’s summit, and later over Jerusalem’s holy hill, moreover the spiritual sacrifice of the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot that saved Israel from judgment and damnation in hell’s torment, are still alive these days to bless us just the same as ever.

These are amazing sacrifices from our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit of the commandments and of the blessed name, that are always ready to bless you from heaven above, and from under the earth below, because they were executed in due time to love you and your loved ones, including your friends, to become redeemed immediately for heaven’s glory. Besides, the main sacrifice that will do wonders for you and for your loved ones is our Lord Jesus Christ, because he is not only your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, but also he baptizes you miraculously with fire and power of the Holy Spirit thus to become reborn righteously into heaven’s glory forever justified.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ stated clearly to everyone within Israel and the nations by saying: I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one can ever enter into heaven’s glory to see our heavenly Father unless he comes through me first; for he alone is the one that can grant you perfect holiness to see the Father. This means that you can become reborn from the Holy Spirit’s gifts of the perfect holiness and Righteousness that our heavenly Father demanded Abraham to become born from head to foot thus to enter into His all-powerful presence on earth and in heaven, because He is perfect and holy, then whoever comes to Him must also be perfect and holy perpetually.

This is the superb-life that your heart, soul, mind, body, and human spirit have always been searching for, and you failed to find it anywhere else away from our Lord Jesus Christ, because he not only is your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that removes sin, but also he is the tree of life that feeds you always. Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, and over the mountaintops, moreover the Holy Spirit’s timely sacrifice at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel from our heavenly Father’s wrath will bless your entire life these days with blessings that you never thought that existed for you to enjoy with your loved ones and friends, too.

With Jesus Christ living within your heart, because, you have believed in the greatest love that our heavenly Father has ever manifested towards you and your loved ones through the supreme spiritual sacrifice of the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel, furthermore restore your life these days for eternity, then you will never have problems but only daily blessings always. This is the divine-life that descended written in the first two-stone tables of the commandments that Moses embraced with his arms, as he descended to earth to meet his people, and to meet them sinning rebelliously against our heavenly Father and His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because they had fashioned Gods in the form of a golden calf to worship forever.

And as the Holy Spirit of the commandments saw this sin, because our heavenly Father felted betrayed just as His Son Jesus Christ and the angels did, then this written divine-life did what was right, and this was to laid down (this divine-life) at Mount Sinai’s foot to save Israel from the coming judgment, and eternal wrath in hell’s torment. Therefore, because of these great sacrifices that our heavenly Father has accepted within the Holy of Holiest in heaven by our Lord Jesus Christ, followed over Mount Sinai’s summit, and later for the nations at Jerusalem’s holy hill, then we can enjoy the wonderful blessings and gifts of the Holy Spirit to enrich our lives beyond all existing richness in heaven.

Right now, if you have received within your heart our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior of your entire life, then the sacrifices that he has performed thus to forgive your sins, moreover heal you from all of Satan’s attacks, then our heavenly Father will bless you richly with the power of the Holy Spirit. And these are ever-present powers that you need these days to win over every sin, lie, curse, infirmity, and even threat of death that Satan may have placed before you on your way to success to meet our Maker face-to-face in heaven, so you may become at last the person that you ought to be forever, perfect, affectionate, and amazingly Righteous perpetually.

In life, you will find obstacles that Satan and his lying cronies have placed before you, but if you walk in the way, truth, and life that has already defeated Satan, and this is Jesus Christ, then you are constantly victorious, including over sins committed by you or your loved ones and friends, too, our heavenly Father will remove them completely forever. Meaning that, once you walk within the way, truth, and life of our Lord Jesus Christ that he has successfully lived within Israel thus to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments to the full, then there is nothing that Satan can do to harm you, much less knock you down with your sins (or that of your loved ones from everywhere).

Today, you may ask how can I walk in the way, truth and life that our Lord Jesus Christ has already drawn for me, then the answer is that you have to keep him living within your heart, so wherever you may go in life then Satan’s attacks will be meaningless to you since the Holy Spirit protects you always faithfully. Timely, Moses descended Mount Sinai with our Lord Jesus Christ holy-life written in two stone-tablets to be received by Israel, and by every one else on earth, so as Israel sinned by fashioning Gods in a golden calf, then you sinned along with them, and the Holy Spirit laid down Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life at Mount Sinai’s foot for you to live today.

These days, you have our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit of the commandments and of the anointed name that have laid down the divine-life within the Holy of Holiest in heaven to create the world, over Mount Sinai to liberate Israel, and lastly over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may live with your loved ones the happiness of eternal life. In good days, our heavenly Father has manifested His breathtaking love that He has always felt for you, for your loved ones, and for your friends from everywhere, too, within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai, and lastly over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so He may embrace you these days never to let you go astray in all eternity. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.

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