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There is nothing wrong with Gays

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Jul 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/16/95
If you have the misconception that gays are wrong and sinful, I have one thing
for you, ever heard of the saying, "People in glass houses shouldn't cast
stones." By saying gays are wrong you are also saying that you are wrong.
Being gay is the same desire as heteros have... if you deny yourself that
feeling and never feel an attraction (physical or the other) towards the
opposite sex, then you can say they are wrong.

When you say gays are wrong... you are actually say, any sexual attraction is
wrong and against the word of the lord. Because that is what it is. Being
homosexual is an attraction as is being heterosexual.

This is how I feel, and it is up for a MATURE debate.

never jae

Nadir Omar B

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
In article <mJRc9c...@vikings.UUCP> (Jae) writes:
>From: (Jae)
>Subject: There is nothing wrong with Gays
>Date: Sun, 16 Jul 95 18:12:33 EDT

>never jae

One can only take part in a MATURE debate in the knowledge that a
participant is up to scratch with his or her basic grammar, quote:

"... you are actually say..."

Eric Lee

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
In article <>,

Nadir Omar B <> wrote:
>One can only take part in a MATURE debate in the knowledge that a
>participant is up to scratch with his or her basic grammar, quote:
>"... you are actually say..."

Well, that shouldn't be a problem unless it obscures the poster's point.
Give people a break; for some here, English isn't native.

The thing that annoys me is when people participate in a debate without
first knowing anything about the topic.

"When a man lies, he murders some part of the world. These are the pale deaths
which men miscall their lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer.
Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home?"
- Cliff Burton, "To Live is to Die"

Stephen Swanson

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
I'm up for a mature debate.

: If you have the misconception that gays are wrong and sinful,

It is not a misconception. If you believe that the Bible is entirely true
then homosexuality is a sin. If you don't agree that is a difference of

: I have one thing for you, ever heard of the saying, "People in glass

: houses shouldn't cast stones."

Yes, but I don't see the relevance.

: By saying gays are wrong you are also saying that you are wrong.

No, because heterosexuallity is the natural way of making love.

: Being gay is the same desire as heteros have... if you deny yourself that

: feeling and never feel an attraction (physical or the other) towards the
: opposite sex, then you can say they are wrong.

They have the same desires, but having homosexual tendency, and being
homosexually active are two different things.
I don't need to deny myself the tendencies because my tendencies are not
going to cause me to sin. A homosexual will sin if he/she indulges.

: Being homosexual is an attraction as is being heterosexual.

Yes it is, but I don't buy into that "born gay" thing. I believe that you
are raised to be gay or feel overwhelmed or pressured into homosexuality.

Now I have nothing against gays personally. Have several friends who are
homosexual, and I get along with them. that doesn't mean I think what
they do is right, but that doesn't mean they're not human.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
In article <3uhi1n$>, Stephen Swanson at said...

> I'm up for a mature debate.

Me too.

>It is not a misconception. If you believe that the Bible is entirely
>true then homosexuality is a sin. If you don't agree that is a
>difference of opinion.

I haven't read the whole Bible, and don't believe in it, so it's really
not my place to respond to this comment. However, I do know that there are
many versions of the Bible, being different in context.
And if there's a Christian that really bites, it's a Christian that takes
the bible verbatim. I'd consider the Bible more of a set of guidelines
rather than direct orders from God (after all, it *was* man-made).

>: I have one thing for you, ever heard of the saying, "People in glass
>: houses shouldn't cast stones."
>Yes, but I don't see the relevance.

I do.

>No, because heterosexuallity is the natural way of making love.

And who left it in your hands to make this decision?

>They have the same desires, but having homosexual tendency, and being
>homosexually active are two different things.
>I don't need to deny myself the tendencies because my tendencies are not
>going to cause me to sin. A homosexual will sin if he/she indulges.

This is such bullshit. Christians are against sex in the first place.
Their 'primary followers' (nuns, ministers, etc.) aren't supposed to do it
and they hide it from their children because it's sinful. Now tell me,
where is it their place to decide HOW it should be done??

>: Being homosexual is an attraction as is being heterosexual.
>Yes it is, but I don't buy into that "born gay" thing. I believe that
>you are raised to be gay or feel overwhelmed or pressured into

Just like you're raised, overwhelmed, or pressured into Christianity. Does
that make IT sinful as well??

>Now I have nothing against gays personally. Have several friends who are
>homosexual, and I get along with them. that doesn't mean I think what
>they do is right, but that doesn't mean they're not human.

I don't agree with gays' way of doing it either, but it's their thing. I
think it's silly to try to "convert", bash, or condemn gays.
Anyhow, I'm quite glad you at least accept them as who they are, unlike
mister "I won't be friends with gays, but i'll give them a chance to
change their minds" in an earlier post.. what a hypocritical idiot!

] Jon Miller () "668: the neighbor [
] () of the beast!" [
]------( )------[


Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/20/95
>In article <mJRc9c...@vikings.UUCP> (Jae) writes:
>>From: (Jae)
>>Subject: There is nothing wrong with Gays
>>Date: Sun, 16 Jul 95 18:12:33 EDT
>>If you have the misconception that gays are wrong and sinful, I have one thing

>>for you, ever heard of the saying, "People in glass houses shouldn't cast
>>stones." (hear it all the time)
>> By saying gays are wrong you are also saying that you are wrong. (No
i'm not)
>>Being gay is the same desire as heteros have... (no it isn't) if you deny
>>yourself that feeling and never feel an attraction (physical or the
other) towards the opposite sex, then you can say they are wrong.
>>When you say gays are wrong... you are actually sayING, any sexual
attraction is
>>wrong and against the word of the lord. (if you're going to bring God
into this at least show some respect and capitalize Him) Because that is
what it
>>is. Being homosexual is an attraction as is being heterosexual.

>>This is how I feel, and it is up for a MATURE debate.
>>never jae
>One can only take part in a MATURE debate in the knowledge that a
>participant is up to scratch with his or her basic grammar, quote:
>"... you are actually say..."
God didn't create Adam and Steve, He never meant for two people of the
same sex to have sex. People often forget that the main reason of *sex*
is to have children. It isn't for recreation (that's why God made
Rollerblades!). If two men were meant to have sex then they would be
able to have a child.

*************************************************************************** *
The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of my employer...Of course it probably doesn't matter because I
only work at a pizza shop!
thank you, drive through


Jul 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/21/95
In article <3uknb1$> (MALINOWSKI) writes:
>Subject: Re: There is wrong with Gays
>Date: 20 Jul 1995 00:50:41 -0400

>God didn't create Adam and Steve, He never meant for two people of the
>same sex to have sex.

I am so tired of hearing that tired stupid comment. You would think that
the least people could do is come up with a new ignorant comment. If you
believe in the bible (which many people in this world do not), god only
created 2 people. Yet, we have many differnt races, many different eye
colors, many different heights and weights, etc. Just because the first two
people did not have certain characteristics certainly does not point to
anything being unnatural or unreal.

People often forget that the main reason of *sex*
>is to have children. It isn't for recreation (that's why God made
>Rollerblades!). If two men were meant to have sex then they would be
>able to have a child.

Well I disagree as do many people. Sex is for enjoyment. It is natural and
pleasurable. There is nothing that dictates sex should be soley for
procreation. If that were the case than I guess womyn should not be having
sex after menapause, and sterile men/womyn should not be having sex, and of
course the use of condoms and any form of birth control is a sin. How about live your life and let others live theirs. What a novel concept.

In peace,


**** * * **** * * ** ***** "If humanity is to progress, Gandhi
* * * * * ** * * * * is inescapable. He lived, thought
* ** ***** **** * * * * * * and acted, inspired by the vision
* * * * * * * ** * * * of humanity evolving toward a world
***** * * * * * * ** ***** of peace and harmony. We may ignore him at our own risk." - MLK

Mikey Conover

Jul 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/21/95
to (Ghandi) writes:

> colors, many different heights and weights, etc. Just because the first two
> people did not have certain characteristics certainly does not point to
> anything being unnatural or unreal.

Now, I agree with you up to here, but....

> Well I disagree as do many people. Sex is for enjoyment. It is natural and
> pleasurable. There is nothing that dictates sex should be soley for
> procreation. If that were the case than I guess womyn should not be having
> sex after menapause, and sterile men/womyn should not be having sex, and of
> course the use of condoms and any form of birth control is a sin. How about
> live your life and let others live theirs. What a novel concept.

The point of sex is to further the species, plain and simple.

Sex isn't there to make us feel good. The sensory enjoyment is there to make
us have sex. If sex felt bad, no one would do it, and the species would end.
Through evolution (there's that newsvan again!!) we have gotten the trait of
high concentrations of nerve endings on our genitalia, which causes sex to feel
good. The reasoning is, if sex feels good, more people will do it, and then
there will be more people in the species. The whole idea of sex feeling good
is to make us do it more.

BTW, that paranthetical thing is only regional to the Philadephia area....but
I'll be happy to explain.

This makes me think of a funny joke I heard, and I'll tell you what it is..

It may shoot down my whole argument, because it says that God made people, but
it's still funny

God is in his Chemistry lab, putting the last touches on his model of
humans. Peter, who doesn't have a job yet (people can't die when there are no
people) is there watching God make the person.
At this moment, God is tinkering around with the genital area of his
person, and they start talking.

Peter: Here are those nerve endings you asked for.

God: TWO??? I asked for twenty!

Peter: Don't you think twenty is a bit much? I mean, two will make them feel
good enough.

God: I don't want them just feeling good, I WANT THEM SCREAMING MY NAME!!

Michael John Conover
"All men die, it's just a matter of how and why" -Braveheart


Jul 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/22/95
In article <TkXL9c...@vikings.UUCP> (Mikey Conover) writes:
>From: (Mikey Conover)

>Subject: Re: There is wrong with Gays
>Date: Fri, 21 Jul 95 17:01:16 EDT

> (Ghandi) writes:

>> colors, many different heights and weights, etc. Just because the first two
>> people did not have certain characteristics certainly does not point to
>> anything being unnatural or unreal.

>Now, I agree with you up to here, but....

>> Well I disagree as do many people. Sex is for enjoyment. It is natural and
>> pleasurable. There is nothing that dictates sex should be soley for
>> procreation. If that were the case than I guess womyn should not be having
>> sex after menapause, and sterile men/womyn should not be having sex, and of
>> course the use of condoms and any form of birth control is a sin. How about
>> live your life and let others live theirs. What a novel concept.

>The point of sex is to further the species, plain and simple.

Says who. Where is it written that you should not enjoy sex?? Where is it
written that the act of sex should be for one purpose only?? Where is it
written that sex should not be enjoyed??

>Sex isn't there to make us feel good. The sensory enjoyment is there to make
>us have sex. If sex felt bad, no one would do it, and the species would end.
>Through evolution (there's that newsvan again!!) we have gotten the trait of
>high concentrations of nerve endings on our genitalia, which causes sex to
>good. The reasoning is, if sex feels good, more people will do it, and then
>there will be more people in the species. The whole idea of sex feeling good
>is to make us do it more.

Uh huh...So sex without procreation is wrong??

>This makes me think of a funny joke I heard, and I'll tell you what it is..

>It may shoot down my whole argument, because it says that God made people, but
>it's still funny

> God is in his Chemistry lab, putting the last touches on his model of
>humans. Peter, who doesn't have a job yet (people can't die when there are no
>people) is there watching God make the person.
> At this moment, God is tinkering around with the genital area of his
>person, and they start talking.

>Peter: Here are those nerve endings you asked for.

>God: TWO??? I asked for twenty!

>Peter: Don't you think twenty is a bit much? I mean, two will make them feel
> good enough.

>God: I don't want them just feeling good, I WANT THEM SCREAMING MY NAME!!

That's pretty funny :)

In peace,


**** * * **** * * ** ***** "If humanity is to progress, Gandhi
* * * * * ** * * * * is inescapable. He lived, thought
* ** ***** **** * * * * * * and acted, inspired by the vision
* * * * * * * ** * * * of humanity evolving toward a world
***** * * * * * * ** ***** of peace and harmony. We may ignore him at our own risk." - MLK

N. Decker

Jul 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/22/95
Stephen Swanson wrote:
: : By saying gays are wrong you are also saying that you are wrong.

: No, because heterosexuallity is the natural way of making love.

Uh-huh. You actually mean 'most common' don't you?

: : Being homosexual is an attraction as is being heterosexual.

: Yes it is, but I don't buy into that "born gay" thing. I believe that you

: are raised to be gay or feel overwhelmed or pressured into homosexuality.

Whether you "buy into" it or not, it's hard to ignore the vast amount
of evidence pointing toward a genetic determination. I can see bisexuality
being a choice, but if it's purely choice, why would such a large number
of people limit themselves to relationship with only one half the available

: Now I have nothing against gays personally. Have several friends who are

: homosexual, and I get along with them. that doesn't mean I think what
: they do is right, but that doesn't mean they're not human.

Oh okay, you slam them behind their back then - glad I understand
you now.

N. Decker Mississippi State University
na...@Ra.MsState.Edu Bite @ Irc


Jul 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/22/95
In article <TkXL9c...@vikings.UUCP>, Mikey Conover at said...

>The point of sex is to further the species, plain and simple.

>Sex isn't there to make us feel good. The sensory enjoyment is there to
>make us have sex. If sex felt bad, no one would do it, and the species

Everyone does things that "feel bad" every day. Work, for example. People
still do it, even though they don't like it.

>would end. Through evolution (there's that newsvan again!!) we have
>gotten the trait of high concentrations of nerve endings on our
>genitalia, which causes sex to feel
>good. The reasoning is, if sex feels good, more people will do it, and
>then there will be more people in the species. The whole idea of sex
>feeling good is to make us do it more.

It's true; sex IS for furthering the species. BUT, it can be for pleasure
as well. To say that sex is ONLY for furthering the species would be your
own opinion entirely, many many MANY people in this world would strongly
disagree. In fact, that's why many people use condoms and other birth
control. Tell me, why WOULD you have sex with birth control? To breed? I
don't think so...
> Michael John Conover

N. Decker

Jul 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/22/95
Ghandi wrote:
: In article <3uknb1$> (MALINOWSKI) writes:

: I am so tired of hearing that tired stupid comment. You would think that

: the least people could do is come up with a new ignorant comment. If you
: believe in the bible (which many people in this world do not), god only

*clap clap*

: >Rollerblades!). If two men were meant to have sex then they would be

: >able to have a child.

: Well I disagree as do many people. Sex is for enjoyment. It is natural and

: pleasurable. There is nothing that dictates sex should be soley for
: procreation. If that were the case than I guess womyn should not be having
: sex after menapause, and sterile men/womyn should not be having sex, and of

more applause ('cept for that womyn freak thing :)

Damn, one of these days i'm going to have to buy Ghandi a
wait, make that a fruit juice =)

N. Decker

Jul 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/23/95
Sage wrote:
: In article <TkXL9c...@vikings.UUCP>, Mikey Conover at

: Everyone does things that "feel bad" every day. Work, for example. People

: still do it, even though they don't like it.

You assume a lot -- there are MANY people who enjoy what they do for
work - I do now and I intend to enjoy myself in the future.
: It's true; sex IS for furthering the species. BUT, it can be for pleasure

: as well. To say that sex is ONLY for furthering the species would be your
: own opinion entirely, many many MANY people in this world would strongly
: disagree. In fact, that's why many people use condoms and other birth
: control. Tell me, why WOULD you have sex with birth control? To breed? I
: don't think so...

Well the difference he is looking at it from a nature point of view,
and determining if nature/god/evolution CARES whether we derive any
pleasure from life - its main goal seems to be survival and perpetuation
of the species -- and the pleaseure does help in that regard of course.


Jul 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/25/95
In article <3upu2m$5...@NNTP.MsState.Edu> na...@Ra.MsState.Edu (N. Decker) writes:
>From: na...@Ra.MsState.Edu (N. Decker)

>Subject: Re: There is wrong with Gays
>Date: 22 Jul 1995 04:16:22 GMT

>Ghandi wrote:
>: In article <3uknb1$> (MALINOWSKI)

>: I am so tired of hearing that tired stupid comment. You would think that
>: the least people could do is come up with a new ignorant comment. If you
>: believe in the bible (which many people in this world do not), god only

>*clap clap*

>: >Rollerblades!). If two men were meant to have sex then they would be
>: >able to have a child.

>: Well I disagree as do many people. Sex is for enjoyment. It is natural and
>: pleasurable. There is nothing that dictates sex should be soley for
>: procreation. If that were the case than I guess womyn should not be having
>: sex after menapause, and sterile men/womyn should not be having sex, and of

>more applause ('cept for that womyn freak thing :)

>Damn, one of these days i'm going to have to buy Ghandi a
>wait, make that a fruit juice =)

How about a Tanqueray and tonic?

Jul 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/26/95
: >>If you have the misconception that gays are wrong and sinful, I have one thing

: >>for you, ever heard of the saying, "People in glass houses shouldn't cast
: >>stones." (hear it all the time)
: >> By saying gays are wrong you are also saying that you are wrong. (No
: i'm not)
: >>Being gay is the same desire as heteros have... (no it isn't) if you deny
: >>yourself that feeling and never feel an attraction (physical or the
: other) towards the opposite sex, then you can say they are wrong.

That's exactly how I feel!! Love is love, you can't cahnge it. How are
we to decide whether it's right or wrong?

: God didn't create Adam and Steve, He never meant for two people of the
: same sex to have sex. People often forget that the main reason of *sex*

: is to have children. It isn't for recreation (that's why God made

: Rollerblades!). If two men were meant to have sex then they would be
: able to have a child.

That is sooo close-minded!! If you go by the bible (which I believe is a
load of bull, but that's a different topic), then that means that you'll
agree that God MADE homosexuals. Many of them have chemical imbalances
which cause them to be attracted to the same sex.

And who says that sex can't be for pleasure? It can be for whatever you
want it to be...


Jul 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/28/95
In article <3v9q2o$>, Mike Ferreira at

>yes there is something wrong with gays. i know this is old
>but it's true God made adam and eve not adam and steve!!!!!

Har har you're so smart! Wow.. that's gotta be the oldest defense against
homosexuality. And just how do you know there wasn't more than two people
put on this earth? How do you know that "Steve" wasn't the next human to
be created by God? The answer: you don't. No one does, because no one's
been around long enough.

] Jon Miller () Portishead DM () "It's just I'm scared. [
] () Bjork Pixies () Got hurt a long time ago.. [
]---------------------------------------() Can't make myself hurt, no [
]---( )---() Matter how hard i scream." [

Mike Ferreira

Jul 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/28/95
In article <mJRc9c...@vikings.UUCP>, (Jae) says:
>If you have the misconception that gays are wrong and sinful, I have one thing
>for you, ever heard of the saying, "People in glass houses shouldn't cast
>stones." By saying gays are wrong you are also saying that you are wrong.
>Being gay is the same desire as heteros have... if you deny yourself that

>feeling and never feel an attraction (physical or the other) towards the
>opposite sex, then you can say they are wrong.
>When you say gays are wrong... you are actually say, any sexual attraction is
>wrong and against the word of the lord. Because that is what it is. Being

>homosexual is an attraction as is being heterosexual.
>This is how I feel, and it is up for a MATURE debate.
>never jae

N. Decker

Jul 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/28/95
Mike Ferreira wrote:
: >
: yes there is something wrong with gays. i know this is old
: but it's true God made adam and eve not adam and steve!!!!!

IS that THE BEST argument you lamos can come up with? Lord, how many
times have we heard that sad thing. Call us back when you gain some
real insight, maturity, communication skills, and a bit of understanding.

For you I think that will be sometime around 2020. Look my up, I'll be

Mikey Conover

Jul 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/30/95
to (Tybalt) writes:

> >yes there is something wrong with gays. i know this is old
> >but it's true God made adam and eve not adam and steve!!!!!

What about those of us who don't believe in God?

> Har har you're so smart! Wow.. that's gotta be the oldest defense against
> homosexuality. And just how do you know there wasn't more than two people
> put on this earth? How do you know that "Steve" wasn't the next human to
> be created by God? The answer: you don't. No one does, because no one's
> been around long enough.

Jon, we know this is true JUST BECAUSE. Because the Bible says so. We don't
need anymore proof! Geez, don't that sound dumb!


Aug 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/2/95

>In article <3v9q2o$>, Mike Ferreira at

>yes there is something wrong with gays. i know this is old

>but it's true God made adam and eve not adam and steve!!!!!

That is so damn stupid! Im sorry, I've no respect for fundamentalists;
the bible is not meant to be taken literally -- it's allegorical. And
it certainly shouldn't be distorted to promote biggotry. There is
nothing wrong with homosexuality! Why can't people see that this
general sentiment that gays are bad is BLATENTLY RACIST. And while
prejudice against blacks and jews may still exist, it is at least much
less overt -- people seem to have no quams about using the word
faggot, while using the word nigger has become a major faux pas. Why
is that? Are homosexuals less human than the rest of us? No, decidedly
not; and anyone who can't see that would be a prime candidate for
eternal damnation -- if there was a god, which there is not.

Ernest Altman

Aug 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/3/95
In <3v9q2o$> (Mike Ferreira) writes:
>In article <mJRc9c...@vikings.UUCP>, (Jae)
>>If you have the misconception that gays are wrong and sinful, I have
one thing
>>for you, ever heard of the saying, "People in glass houses shouldn't
>>stones." By saying gays are wrong you are also saying that you are
>>Being gay is the same desire as heteros have... if you deny yourself
>>feeling and never feel an attraction (physical or the other) towards
>>opposite sex, then you can say they are wrong.
>>When you say gays are wrong... you are actually say, any sexual
attraction is
>>wrong and against the word of the lord. Because that is what it is.
>>homosexual is an attraction as is being heterosexual.
>>This is how I feel, and it is up for a MATURE debate.
>>never jae
>yes there is something wrong with gays. i know this is old
>but it's true God made adam and eve not adam and steve!!!!!

the bible says homosexuality is "an abomination"!

N. Decker

Aug 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/3/95
Ernest Altman wrote:
: the bible says homosexuality is "an abomination"!

ANd your point is...?


Aug 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/3/95
na...@Ra.MsState.Edu (N. Decker) writes:

Look at what you are talking about... the bible is old and not meant to be
taken literally. It also says that persons should have no other gods... but
there are other gods and they are accepted.

never jae

You really ought to this about what you say before you say it.

Mitch Hall

Aug 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/3/95
to () wrote:

>>In article <3v9q2o$>, Mike Ferreira at

>>yes there is something wrong with gays. i know this is old
>>but it's true God made adam and eve not adam and steve!!!!!

>That is so damn stupid! Im sorry, I've no respect for fundamentalists;
>the bible is not meant to be taken literally -- it's allegorical. And
>it certainly shouldn't be distorted to promote biggotry. There is
>nothing wrong with homosexuality! Why can't people see that this
>general sentiment that gays are bad is BLATENTLY RACIST. And while
>prejudice against blacks and jews may still exist, it is at least much
>less overt -- people seem to have no quams about using the word
>faggot, while using the word nigger has become a major faux pas. Why
>is that? Are homosexuals less human than the rest of us? No, decidedly
>not; and anyone who can't see that would be a prime candidate for
>eternal damnation -- if there was a god, which there is not.

i happen to agree with your last sentence, but seeing as there is no
proof in either direction, perhaps you should say (IMO) or something to the sort.

anyway... i'd like to challenge those of you who oppose homosexuality on
religious grounds to find for me WHERE in the bible homosexuality is
prohibited. yes, i own a bible, so i'll be checking. while we're on the
subject of "adam and steve v. adam and eve" i'd like to ask another
question. if adam and eve were the first (only) humans, and they had 2
sons, ????? do you see my point? i'd say that's either a pretty major
plug for homosexuality or the adam family was really into incest and the
(human) writers of the bible just forgot(?) to tell us about the
daughters. don't mean to sound like a feminazi but, that seems pretty
convenient to me.

if only closed minds came with closed mouths.
-nicole aitoro


Aug 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/4/95
In article <NF509c...@vikings.uucp>, Jae <> wrote:
>na...@Ra.MsState.Edu (N. Decker) writes:
>> Ernest Altman wrote:
>> : the bible says homosexuality is "an abomination"!
>> ANd your point is...?
Gus should be nailed to a cross...or...Gus is the Abominable Snowman

>> --
>> N. Decker Mississippi State University
>> na...@Ra.MsState.Edu Bite @ Irc
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Look at what you are talking about... the bible is old and not meant to be
>taken literally. It also says that persons should have no other gods... but
>there are other gods and they are accepted.
>never jae
> You really ought to this about what you say before you say it.
dammit beavis what in the Hell are you talking about?
shut-up butt-head or i'll kick you in the nads! hi-ya

Ross Craig

Aug 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/4/95
In article <3vpu9b$>, Mitch Hall wrote:
>>>In article <3v9q2o$>, Mike Ferreira at
>>>yes there is something wrong with gays. i know this is old
>>>but it's true God made adam and eve not adam and steve!!!!!

I am getting sick of people who come up with this old, old line. It seems that
using the same mentality and generalisation one could say that due God really
invented homosexuality. You see if He gave us the power of choice (not that I
believe it is a choice - see below) then He must have given us the choice of
sexuality and thus realising that homosexuality must be on the list of choices
if it is to be choosen then He invented it. How can you say that anything God
made is not good or wrong? Are you a god who can question and judge gods? I
think not!

Don't worry I'll be back to give you more of an eye full but I must go now.

Ross Craig
Capricornia School of Distance Education
Rockhampton Queensland AUSTRALIA

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