Effective approach for makerspace funding in CA

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Safoura Seddighin

Sep 5, 2024, 1:51:18 PMSep 5
to K-12 Fab Labs and Makerspaces
Hello friends,

I hope the new School Maker year is off to a great start for everyone! :)
I have worked at different makerspaces, and always taken the equipment and tools for granted, focusing on improving the implementation.
However, my daughters go to a title1 public school in Irvine, CA, and they have recently re-created a space to use as their iLab. I want to help as much as I can with getting tools and kits, through different approaches of funding including grants.
Is there a systematic way to approach this to increase our chance? I can help them with planning and making the best of what they have got, but they need material and tools for sure.
I would greatly appreciate any leads. Thank you so much for your time. This is meaningful to me on a whole other level. :)

All the best,

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