JYE Tech Oscilloscopes

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The JYETech DSO06201 is the world most affordable audio professional's oscilloscope.
DSO06201 является мировым наиболее доступный осциллограф для аудио профессионалов.

key features(NEW!):
-built in real-time FFT
-frequency counter (5V level triggered)
-up to 0.5usec/div fully adjustable digitally backed 60 pixel tall waveform rendering/storage (from 0.5usec/div to 2usec/div equivalent sampling mode only) this is equivalent to 20Msamples/sec
-up to 6 waveforms stored on board
-all on one single PCB - design - easy to re-fit to a pro chassis/case of choice
-excellent production quality due to right key design choices.

About us:
this is the official worldwide JYE Tech DIY oscilloscope user group.
This group is for two way communication between the manufacturer and the users regarding the DSO product line.

While this group tries hard to provide the best possible feedback and most accurate information, please use it at your own risk, and with all due caution.
The moderators and JYE Tech employed members do this on their own (unpaid) time, so please be patient and polite.

Have an Enjoyable time with the excellent JYE Tech's DSOs and happy o-scoping!