Juzu 0.7.0 WIP

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Julien Viet

Sep 16, 2013, 3:48:24 AM9/16/13
to ju...@googlegroups.com

I will be more active on Juzu in the coming weeks to implement more of the 0.7.0 work:

1/ 0.7.0-beta17

Released today with a change in the Template API, the template API used to provide render() methods and those methods are confusing with the ok() methods that allows more or less to do the same:

@View public void index() { template.render(); }
@View public Response.Content index() { return template.ok(); }

for making the API simpler to understand, the render() methods have been removed from the API as API sanitization & improvement.

Minor improvement when a template does not find a controller at compilation time. Now it fails with more detailed information with the template name, the complete controller name and the the location of the failure in the template.

2/ next betas

we intend to release more betas in the forthcoming weeks, there is no extensive list of improvements yet. There can be some API changes, for instance I plan to rework the Asset API for making it more powerful (cross asset dependencies and fine grained asset annotations, put some ideas here https://github.com/juzu/juzu/wiki)

your feedback will matter of course :-)


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