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Re: Just Player

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Mar 18, 2015, 1:42:43 AM3/18/15
to Nickap,
Hi Nickap,

I just today, I have to rent a compact z3, so now i am able to test.
and I found some problems, 
I wil try using a while the correct any problems, Please give me a little time.


2015-03-17 16:26 GMT+09:00 Nickap <>:

Hi again! It's been a while! How are you? Good I hope.
So I'm using a new phone now (a z3 compact) and I have some minor problems....
The first one is that when I listen to music and someone calls me or I call someone the music stops and doesn't continue!
Another problem is in the settings menu. When I turn on a function and scroll down the function turn off by itself!!!
And lastly I want to now the difference between add to playlist and insert to playlist


Εστάλη από το Sony Xperia™ smartphone

---- Ο χρήστης yokmama έγραψε ----


Yes, I saw of course.
I think it's a good idea.

Is likely to take some time to implement.
From it, bug reports Thank you for widgets.

2015-02-13 19:26 GMT+09:00 Nickap <>:
Hi again! I'm using a galaxy s4 and the widget doesn't work correctly. It doesn't show the picture of the album 

But i have to say I'm very impressed with the album art finder! Very good job 

Did you get my other mail with the picture? 

Αποστολή από κινητό Samsung.

-------- Αρχικό μήνυμα --------
Από: yokmama
Ημερομηνία:11/02/2015 23:41 (GMT+02:00)
Προς: Nickap
Θέμα: Re: ΠΡΟΣ: Re: ΠΡΟΣ: Re: ΠΡΟΣ: Re: Just Player

Hmm option,,,
I will consider the other way.

Im japanese, and Im not good english.

2015-02-12 1:44 GMT+09:00 Nickap <>:
Definitely not. I think it's easier if you have the option to choose the album first and the songs secondly. 

Another thing. Where are you from? 

Αποστολή από κινητό Samsung.

-------- Αρχικό μήνυμα --------
Από: yokmama
Ημερομηνία:11/02/2015 15:10 (GMT+02:00)
Προς: Nickap
Θέμα: Re: ΠΡΟΣ: Re: ΠΡΟΣ: Re: Just Player

"Artists -> songs" replace to "Artist -> Albums -> songs"
Do not be inconvenient if this(Artist -> songs) feature is eliminated?

2015-02-11 20:59 GMT+09:00 Nickap <>:
Can you say it again? I didn't understand.... 

Αποστολή από κινητό Samsung.

-------- Αρχικό μήνυμα --------
Από: yokmama
Ημερομηνία:11/02/2015 13:23 (GMT+02:00)
Προς: Nickap
Θέμα: Re: ΠΡΟΣ: Re: Just Player

I understand that you want your say.
Do not inconvenience even if it is not displayed all songs from Artist?

2015-02-11 20:02 GMT+09:00 Nickap <>:
Ok. I'll try to be as easier to understand as possible. 

I like to view my music sorted by artist. When i have it that way i can't select a specific album of the artist because you see every song of the artist instead of the albums. 
It is like this:
It should be like this:

I hope I'm clear enough 

Αποστολή από κινητό Samsung.

-------- Αρχικό μήνυμα --------
Από: yokmama
Ημερομηνία:11/02/2015 03:49 (GMT+02:00)
Προς: Nick Apostolatos
Θέμα: Re: Just Player

The first one I'll try.
The second one did not understand well.

If possible, I want me to instruct the purpose by issuing the example.
Try actually doing, I want to make sure how much troublesome.

2015-02-11 10:43 GMT+09:00 Nick Apostolatos <>:
so far i have 2 suggestions
the first concerns the playlists. i think that it would be easier when you press the plus(+) button, a prompt should appear giving you the option to create a new playlist or add the selected file or folder to an existing playlist. As it is now the program add it automatically in the quick list.

the other suggestion concerns the sorting. i tapped an artist which had more than one album and i saw every song of the artist unsorted instead of viewing each album. This links with the previous issue because i wanted to select one album to put it on the playlist but instead i had to select every song individually which was very time consuming

i hope the above prove helpful


ps. if you need any clarification or any more help ill be glad to help you! cheers

From: yokmama <>
To: Nick Apostolatos <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 2:40 AM
Subject: Re: Just Player


Purchase Thank you.
Play list is recognized that it's distinctive as compared to other players.

Do you want what function?

I will explore the improvement plan to hear it.

2015-02-11 7:12 GMT+09:00 Nick Apostolatos <>:

after using it a little bit a decided that the app was worth the money purchased the dropbox connection and the advanced functions!
but i have to say the UI needs work... its not very clear. and i have some trouble creating a playlist(or play an already created playlist). do you have any idea on how to fix this?



From: yokmama <>
To: Nickap <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Just Player

Hi Nickap

You can try free version.

This is link.


2015-02-10 18:51 GMT+09:00 Nickap <>:
Hi! Is there any way to use the dropbox function as trial to see for myself how it works? 

Αποστολή από κινητό Samsung.

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yield return new WaitForSeconds(夜子まま)

yield return new WaitForSeconds(夜子まま)

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