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Justice Must Matter !

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Justice, Justice, Justice

Aug 10, 2022, 9:05:07 PM8/10/22
to Justice, Justice, Justice
In 1984, technology to capture DNA evidence was not advanced enough to pin Christine’s murder on a suspect. When Christine’s body was found, shrouds of clothes were around her, but it wasn’t until 2020 that the DNA found on her underwear could be tested for a potential match. This sample would lead investigators to Calvin Hooper, a past colleague of Christine’s father. Hooper had been 28 years old at the time of Christine’s disappearance but had since died by suicide in 2015. To link the DNA sample to Hoover, investigators used blood from his autopsy to confirm his involvement.

The implications of the the prosecution of Guy Pal Morin have been forgotten and are consequently being ignored and it is therefore time to revisit  the case; 

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