Verification not working

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Jan 6, 2009, 5:59:25 PM1/6/09
to JustHumans
I just added it to my forumotion forum and all seems like it works.
Register button now takes you to the 6 pics but no matter which one
you select,
you are forwarded to the registration page and can still complete
Where have I gone wrong?

Anders Brownworth

Jan 6, 2009, 11:53:19 PM1/6/09

JustHumans doesn't direct you to a different place on error as it does on success. If you are using it to "guard" entry to a login system, (like formotion) you would have to use something like the Re-Post URL and make your website only let in users who successfully cause JustHumans to re-post.

Someone published a series of directions a while ago covering how JustHumans might be used to protect entry to a forum system. (likely formotion, though its been a while since I saw it) Technically, ignoring picking the correct picture, they are just relying on the fact that spam bots don't yet know how to submit a JustHumans form so things seem to work. While this is the case, those forms will be protected. When the average bot figures out how to submit a JustHumans form, those sites will start to get spam regardless of what picture is selected. This isn't the way JustHumans was designed to opporate.

It would be nice if some brave souls out there would take the time to code up a few examples of how to use JustHumans' Re-post URL to set up real JustHumans protection for the various forums and blog comment systems on the net. Anyone?

Anders Brownworth


Jan 7, 2009, 2:46:22 AM1/7/09
to JustHumans
Thanks for the response Anders.
I set up JustHumans following directions from a forumotion post.
You can read it here:

I'm not so certain after your reply if the author of the post really
how JustHumans works?
I'm no expert in this area at all, just looking to add as much
security against bots as possible.
I'll keep verification enabled in it's current sate as it certainly
won't hurt to leave it and hopefully in
the meantime other options become available via the Re-post URL you
If I had the skills to do this myself, I would.

Thanks again for the reply, I didn't quite understand what was going
on and I think I understand now.


Jan 9, 2009, 11:19:20 AM1/9/09
to JustHumans
it don't work still gettin direct to sign up page even if u click
wrong image.. can some one fixed this pls ..

On Jan 7, 2:46 am, Teddy <> wrote:
> Thanks for the response Anders.
> I set up JustHumans following directions from a forumotion post.
> You can read it here:
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