Call for Proposals for SciPy 2023!

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Arliss Collins

Feb 16, 2023, 4:27:36 PM2/16/23

Hello, Jupyter Community,

We are reaching out to you about the 22nd annual Scientific Computing with Python Conference — also known as SciPy 2023 — that will be held July 10-16, 2023, in Austin, Texas.

The Call for Proposals is OPEN, and we would love to receive proposals from folks in your organization. We seek submissions for Talks, Posters, and Tutorials by February 22. This year we are happy to announce two highlighted tracks that run parallel to the general conference track:  (1) Machine Learning, Data Science and Ethics in AI, and (2) Tending Your Open Source Garden: Maintenance and Community.

SciPy 2023 Proposal Writing Workshops

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to speak but think you may need some help, the SciPy committee is hosting a proposal writing workshops on:

February 17 - 12:00-1:00 pm CST  

Head to SciPy 2023 Proposal Writing Workshops on the main conference website to Register.

We are also collecting signups for proposal reviewers. If you are interested in joining the program committee to review and score talks, tutorials, and poster proposals, please sign up here. Reviewer assignments will be made by March 6



You can learn more about this year's conference at SciPy 2023 | Home. The full schedule will be published later in May. In the meantime, please check out last year's program and videos of previous year's talks and events to better understand what SciPy conferences are like.

Please share this information with anyone you think would be interested.

SciPy 2023 is shaping up to be a fantastic conference. We hope you'll join us in July!


(On behalf of the SciPy 2023 Communications Committee)

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