How to disable auto-quotes and auto-brackets in Jupyter 5.0

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Marc Garcia

Jun 13, 2017, 8:27:37 AM6/13/17
to Project Jupyter

I upgraded Jupyter to the latest vesion, 5.0, and it looks like my front-end configuration stopped working.

I don't like that Jupyter auto closes quotes and brackets, and my settings basically just disable them.

It used to work by creating a file ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.js and adding the next JavaScript code:

require(['notebook/js/codecell'], function (codecell) {
  codecell.CodeCell.options_default.cm_config.autoCloseBrackets = false;

I've read that since Jupyter 4 this code could be changed by:

IPython.CodeCell.options_default.cm_config.autoCloseBrackets = false;

But it looks like in Jupyter 5, the two previous options stopped working.

The documentation I found regarding the front-end configuration is not helpful (I'll be happy to improve it once I understand it):

Can anyone help me understand how to disable auto-brackets and auto-quotes in Jupyter 5 please?

This is the exact version I'm running:

Thank you very much in advance!

Milos Miljkovic

Jul 25, 2017, 1:44:36 PM7/25/17
to Project Jupyter
Yeah, good luck with getting an answer. I asked the same question back in April and got 0 response. A lot of dumbing-down has happened in v.5 and I reverted back to v.4.4.



Marc Garcia

Jul 25, 2017, 3:52:11 PM7/25/17
I see.

I found an answer somewhere, and updated my blog post about setting up jupyter with it. See the last paragraph:

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Milos Miljkovic

Jul 26, 2017, 12:34:42 PM7/26/17
to Project Jupyter
OK, I got! Made a silly mistake in my config file - had 'Cell' instead of 'CodeCell' - but now all's good. I hate showing header by default, like line numbers and auto-close of quotes and brackets off. Here's my config JSON file in ~/,jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json


  "Notebook": {

    "Header": false


  "CodeCell": {

    "cm_config": {

      "lineNumbers": true,

      "autoCloseBrackets": false




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