Unexpected error while saving file: Untitled.ipynb database is locked

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Jing Gu

Jun 22, 2017, 3:30:48 PM6/22/17
to Project Jupyter
Hi Everyone, 

I am trying to run Jupyter notebook on remote cluster. After I set up the ssh tunnel from local machine to the remote cluster, I was able to open Jupyter using local browser. However, when I tried to start a python 2 notebook. there was an error saying "Unexpected error while saving file: db/Untitled.ipynb database is locked".

Anyone knows why this happened?

Here are the error messages:

[W 12:03:28.146 NotebookApp] Unexpected error while saving file: db/Untitled.ipynb database is locked

[E 12:03:28.147 NotebookApp] {

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      "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", 

      "Referer": "http://localhost:2012/tree/db", 

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      "Content-Type": "application/json"


Thomas Kluyver

Jun 23, 2017, 6:12:24 AM6/23/17
to Project Jupyter
The 'database is locked' error probably comes from an SQLite database we use to store notebook signatures as part of the trust mechanism. This usually arises because the database file is on an NFS filesystem. The default location on Linux is ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbsignatures.db .

You can put the file somewhere else by configuring NotebookNotary.db_file . You can also set it to the special value ':memory:' to store the database in memory - but if you do this, restarting the notebook server will lose the signatures, so all notebooks will be untrusted, meaning HTML output won't show up until you re-run them.


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