LMS integration and Jupyterhub

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IT Guy

Jul 7, 2020, 3:01:40 PM7/7/20
to Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks

I am seeing if anyone has succesfully integrated jupyterhub with and LMS providers specifically Quercus.  I'm assuming its using an API or something.  
I am just doing some investigative work for integration with Quercus

Dirk Grunwald

Jul 7, 2020, 6:08:25 PM7/7/20
to Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
It depends on what kind of integration you want. 

The easiest is to use something called LTI (learning tools inter-operability). This allows a student to login to a JupyterHub setup through their LMS and have credentials (name, email, etc) provided by the LMS.

This is a standard jupyterhub extension ( https://github.com/jupyterhub/ltiauthenticator ) although I haven't used it.

The challenge here is that students would need to access JupyterHub "through" the LMS.

LTI provides other capabilities such as passing back grades, etc but I don't think this extension does any of that.

I couldn't find much info on Quercus but most LMS's support LTI, including Canvas, Moodle, EdX, etc. Details in the github repo for setting it up.

Wes Turner

Jul 7, 2020, 6:52:11 PM7/7/20
to Dirk Grunwald, Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
"LMS with Jupyter Code block integration (Graded)"

"nbgrader and LMS / LRS; LTI, xAPI"

"LTI/Canvas Integration"

> Canvas Course Management with JupyterHub & nbgrader

> IllumiDesk enhances your LMS with Jupyter Notebooks + Auto-Grading.
(LTI 1.1, LTI 1.3)

> Implements LTI v1 authenticator for use with JupyterHub.
> This converts JupyterHub into a LTI Tool Provider, which can be then easily used with various Tool Consumers, such as Canvas, EdX, Moodle, Blackboard, etc.
> So far, ltiauthenticator has been tested with EdX and Canvas. Documentation contributions are highly welcome!

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IT Guy

Jul 15, 2020, 8:44:09 AM7/15/20
to Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
Thank you all for replys I'll look further into the links and info given.
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