JuliaHEP and High-energy Software Foundation (HSF)

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Julia HEP

May 17, 2023, 1:35:12 PM5/17/23
to Julia HEP

(This is a forwarded message from Graeme A Stewart)

Hi All


We had a very good showing for Julia at this year’s CHEP conference with 3 nice talks that gave a very positive impression (from Tom, Jerry and myself) of the language in use today and its potential for the future.


Along with the immanent paper on The Potential of the Julia language for High Energy Physics Computing, it seems like a good time to have more Julia focused activities to grow the ecosystem in a cooperative way. This is very much the successful approach adopted in the HEP Software Foundation to support Python via PyHEP, so we can think about doing the same for Julia via some JuliaHEP initiative.


We can think of training materials that can be developed, filling in gaps that are needed for HEP work, wrappers for more important packages, etc. Currently we do have some support through IRIS-HEP and we can start to ask for, e.g., CERN summer students. Clearly there is the need for more support, but building a community initiative should help with that, albeit indirectly.


I propose that we try to meet for a Zoom chat in the next few weeks, discussing options and timelines, with the idea of a kick-off workshop at CERN sometime in the autumn.


If people are favourable to this idea, shall I start a doodle for a suitable slot?





Graeme Stewart

May 23, 2023, 9:13:15 AM5/23/23
to Julia HEP

Hi All


Thanks for the positive responses to this idea.


I put some possible dates for a first discussion here:




As usual, this is balancing giving reasonable options against micro-polling your calendar, so if something looks very hard for you (16h CEST!) let me know and I will add more slots.





P.S. Apologies if you get this message twice - I can't send to this list from my usual CERN email address.

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Graeme Stewart  - CERN EP-SFT 32-R-B08

Graeme Stewart

May 25, 2023, 4:05:01 AM5/25/23
to Julia HEP

Hi All


We have a clear winner so, Tuesday 30 May at 16h CEST it is (check for your TZ).


I created an Indico entry here:




Would someone like to volunteer to give a round up of what work and activities we have so far?





Graeme Stewart

May 30, 2023, 11:42:25 AM5/30/23
to Julia HEP

Hi All

Thanks to everyone who was able to join today. We had a very nice discussion, covering the workshop, training material, website and support. We also discussed the whitepaper.


Minutes are now posted onto the Indico agenda, with actions as:


  • Look for dates for the workshop and a location [Pere, Graeme, Tamas]
  • Start entry point documentation for JuliaHEP [Jerry]
  • Fill in Google Doc with projects we are interested to do [All]
  • Sign up to Discourse and Slack if you aren't already! [All]
  • Meet again in 2-3 weeks [The Conveners]


We still need 1-2 more people to volunteer as conveners of the group – this is to apply some organisational grease to the wheels and make sure that things keep happening. It’s not too onerous. Contact me if you want to know more / are interested.


One more thing that we did not discuss: instead of a large CC list (running in parallel), would we agree to move to the JuliaHEP mailing list from this point: juli...@googlegroups.com.





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