Re: GDAL Wrapper

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Will Kearney

Feb 14, 2014, 11:59:36 PM2/14/14
As I just kind of threw this together real quickly, I didn't put a lot of effort into setting up the infrastructure for an actual Julia package, sorry if that made it difficult for people to test things. That'll be a quick project for this weekend.

For you, you probably have to 'include("/path/to/GDAL.jl"); using GDAL' That will give you access to the three currently exported raster IO functions.

Let me know if you're still having trouble.


On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 8:38 PM, <> wrote:
Hi Will,

Thanks for starting this project. However, it is unclear how to install and use this unregistered package.

I grabed using the Pkg.clone(""), and it was added to .julia package folder. But then what... I didn't find anything useful in It reads like you will have access inmediately, but I don't get it (using GDAL or require("GDAL") doesn't work).

julia> using GDAL
ERROR: GDAL not found
 in require at loading.jl:39

julia> require("GDAL")
ERROR: GDAL not found
 in require at loading.jl:39

Just if it helps someone, Pkg functions will work better with git version 1.9 (I was having multiple problems with 1.7, and after upgrade it was fine, at least no errors).

Cheers, Pablo

On Monday, February 10, 2014 2:13:36 PM UTC-5, Will Kearney wrote:
Hey everyone,

I threw together a Julia wrapper for GDAL this weekend:

Right now, it should be able to open a raster and read that raster into a newly-defined Raster type and write that Raster into a file using either of GDAL's two methods (CreateCopy() and Create()).

There are some big holes in the implementation, some of which are detailed in a Todo section in the README file. The goal was really to provide some minimal functionality for Julia interactions with GDAL to get the conversation about geodata going.

One thing I'm a little worried about is the number of pointers that are flying around to prevent the wrapper from having to interact directly with GDAL-defined types for datasets, raster bands, drivers, etc. Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge of C and memory management could tell me if this is particularly dangerous and a better way to deal with these types.

What do you think good next steps would be?

Of course, send me any questions, comments or pull requests you come up with!


Will Kearney

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Fabian Gans

Feb 15, 2014, 4:23:54 PM2/15/14
Just to let you know, after your latest changes,


using GDAL

open_raster( ... )

worked perfectly fine for me.


Feb 16, 2014, 8:45:47 AM2/16/14
Sorry for my late reply. 
It works like charm to me too. Thanks Will. 
Cheers, Pablo
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