This package has been on the METADATA list for quite a while and serves as the basis for several other packages (e.g. Clustering.jl). I re-organized this package recently and added a series of stuff. I feel that it would be useful to announce it here so that people don't have to reinvent the wheels.
I consider this package as an extension of the Julia base, with focus on efficient implementation of some functions commonly used in machine learning:
* Inplace vector arithmetics
* Broadcasting matrix/vector arithmetics
* Efficient column-wise or row-wise reduction
* Computation of column-wise or row-wise norms, and normalization
* Integer related statistics
* Positive definite matrix related computation
Features that I think are worth highlighting:
* Column-wise / row-wise reduction functions are implemented with special care of efficiency. For example, it provides a function ``vsqsum`` to compute column/row-wise computation of sum of squares. Benchmark shows that ``vsqsum(x, 2)`` is nearly 10x faster than ``sum(abs2(x), 2)``. A table of detailed benchmarks is given in the project readme.
* It defines three types of positive definite matrices (PDMat, PDiagMat, and ScalMat) to represent full positive definite matrices, positive diagonal matrices, and matrices in the form of s * eye(d). Specialized methods (exploiting special structures of specific types) are implemented for them with uniform interfaces. This provides a generic framework for writing machine learning algorithms that use positive definite matrices (e.g. Gaussian models) while ensuring the most efficient implementation is used in actual computation.
This package has been listed on metadata, you can check it out by Pkg.add("MLBase").