openCV bindings, project status?

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Oct 28, 2014, 12:53:51 PM10/28/14
I would be much interested to in future base my image processing works on Julia/openCV.
Searching the internet, which finally means for this topic to read in the Julia forums, I found that there have been attempts to create bindings to openCV.
I wonder why those bindings do not right away aim at openCV3 and manpower is instead used for binding to openCV2, especially that it will need some time until the bindings could be available, and at that time openCV3 will most likely be the openCV version of main interest while openCV2 use can be supposed to then dispappear already. And I wonder if there is a realistic chance that openCV bindings would really become available within the next year? Unfortunately I did not understand from the posts I found, if openCV binding is now an official Julia goal, or more a personal project from some few ( a single ? ) interested programmers.
Wishing all the best to the Julia project, and looking forward as an end-user to hopefully soon find some Julia/openCV solution, with best wishes to everybody spending his time on developing and offering to end-users like me such great tools!!!!
Thank You All!

Sun Boxiang

Oct 29, 2014, 5:05:20 AM10/29/14
I wonder why those bindings do not right away aim at openCV3 and manpower is instead used for binding to openCV2, especially that it will need some time until the bindings could be available, and at that time openCV3 will most likely be the openCV version of main interest while openCV2 use can be supposed to then dispappear already. And I wonder if there is a realistic chance that openCV bindings would really become available within the next year? Unfortunately I did not understand from the posts I found, if openCV binding is now an official Julia goal, or more a personal project from some few ( a single ? ) interested programmers.


This is a personal project.

Currently this is a minimal prototype. With the help of Tim Holy, I think achieved
this goal. Now I am trying to write code generation tool based on official OpenCV-Python
generation tool. But I am writing my graduate thesis and looking for job.
Hard to find time at this moment(leetCode, you know...). But I promise the project
will update soon, maybe next month.

When I restart it, I will aim at OpenCV3. Use OpenCV2 just for
check the binding could work. It doesn't mean the wrapper just work for
OpenCV2 eventually.

Thanks for your post.



Oct 29, 2014, 8:40:39 AM10/29/14
Dear Sun,
thank you very much for sharing this information on your project!
I will patiently wait, first concentrate on your thesis, please, that of course has highest priority!
Regarding the openCV bindings, I am exited about the day that openCV bindings can be generated automatically for Julia. As the openCV project offers such automatic generation for JAVA, PYTHON and nowadays also MATLAB, have you been in contact with the openCV community about your project also becoming technically supported by the openCV project itself? I just wanted to search the openCV site for this once more, but the sites appears since a couple of days to not be reachable, so maybe I right away ask you, as you seem to be the most active programmer concerning JULIA/openCV connectivity.
Best wishes! Robert

Boxiang Sun

Oct 29, 2014, 8:58:32 AM10/29/14
Dear Robert,

OpenCV-Java binding has a Python script that will call Python generation tool internally. More specifically, it will call in ../module/python/src2/ directory. Then this Python script in Java binding will generate exported C++ API to Java. How ever, Java binding has to map data types manually. For example, Java has it's own wrapper of cv::Mat. But Python transform the data in Mat to Numpy.ndarray(or transform other data type ) through lots of py_from, py_to functions.

In my plan. The OpenCV/Julia binding will similar to Java binding. Write a python script to parse the output of, to generate API automatically. Map some datatype from OpenCV to Julia manually.

Any suggestions or comments will be highly appreciated!



Oct 29, 2014, 10:16:21 AM10/29/14
Hello Sun,
I am afraid that I cannot help you much with the work, because I am just a scientist who learned enough programming for somehow getting an image processing algorithm for microscopy image analysis run, and I have not enough programming knowledge to understand how MATLAB, JULIA, openCV, JAVA, PYTHON, etc. work under the hood and how those wrappers, bindings, APIs, etc., are (to be) implemented. The only feedback I could give is to share some links concerning the new openCV bindings for MATLAB, which now can become automatically generated when openCV3 is installed on a computer where a MATLAB installation is already located. Maybe, following those links, you can see how that is done, and maybe get in contact with the creators of that "automatic bindings generator". I would guess that the concept backing up the MATLAB bindings generator could be copied to become the indentical concept for a JULIA bindings generator, as well? Then, whenever openCV would move on to new things, in the future, then any requested change to that concept would in principal only have to be solved once: "only" the final coding for the MATLAB or JULIA branch would differ. Maybe the concept in use for the MATLAB bindings generation is the identical concept used also to generate teh JAVA bindings? For sure, the creators of those generators over at would know!
 The project home is:

Somebody comments here somehting about the underlaying concept:

 Somebody posted a blog how this is to be used for the end-user, who wants to actually work with openCV from MATLAB, using those now "official" openCV bindings:
All the best! Robert.

Boxiang Sun

Oct 29, 2014, 10:34:10 AM10/29/14
Then, whenever openCV would move on to new things, in the future, then any requested change to that concept would in principal only have to be solved once: "only" the final coding for the MATLAB or JULIA branch would differ.

Yes, that's my goal. 

If I get some progress, I will send mail to the mail list.

Thanks again!


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