A talk for the next meetup in the Bay area?

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Xiaodong Qi

Feb 8, 2015, 12:05:29 PM2/8/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
Hi there,

I would like to plan for a meetup for Julia users in the Berkeley area on Feb 21 (Sat) evening (about 7-9pm). I am kindly inviting you or anyone you know working in the Bay area for data analysis or any other optimization/control/quantum science projects in Julia to give an introductory level talk during the meetup. Many of our audience may directly come from a quantum information workshop (SQuInT, http://physics.unm.edu/SQuInT/) hosted in Berkeley, CA from Feb 19-21, and may not have much experience of using Julia yet are interested in learning how Julia packages can ease computational tasks for experimental data analysis and optimal control and so on. AFAIK, many of them use optimization, data compress sensing, Monte Carlo simulation, stochastic differential equation solvers, tomography, state/process reconstruction and general statistics/information science packages in various languages for their researches. As usual, there will also be many other Julia users from the community. The meetup place could be either in the DoubleTree hotel where is the hosting place of the SQuInT workshop or on Berkeley campus if the majority of audience are from Berkeley. I will workout the refreshments and other details. We would expect to have 1-2 talks, and will decide once I got positive replies.

I am not familiar with the Bay area community, actually. Let me know what do you think, and feel free to forward my message to anyone interested.


Christian Peel

Feb 8, 2015, 3:35:02 PM2/8/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
I'd love to come;  I haven't yet been able to attend any of the BAJU meetings. Hopefully  if you do hold such a meeting that you'll get the organizers of the following meetup to announce it (maybe you're already in contact with them):  http://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-Julia-Users/

Xiaodong Qi

Feb 8, 2015, 10:16:30 PM2/8/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for your interest! Yes, I have contacted the BAJU organizers and some Julia developers before. So far, at least the key developers of the convex.jl package would like to give a talk, and so we will definitely have a meetup in the Berkeley area. I will update more details later, and notice that there is still another slot for a talk open for our audience...

Xiaodong Qi

Feb 16, 2015, 9:45:06 PM2/16/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
The announcement can be found at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/hk6hHZb3saM


On Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 1:35:02 PM UTC-7, Christian Peel wrote:

Viral Shah

Feb 16, 2015, 11:23:24 PM2/16/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
This is a real interesting agenda! Are you guys livecasting it as before - Hangouts on Air or something?


Xiaodong Qi

Feb 17, 2015, 12:08:02 AM2/17/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
I will bring a vedio camera to record the talks and share them online
later. Some speakers want to (only) have the vedio records on his/her
personal websites from my understanding, so we may not be able to have a
livecasting for the current plan. But I will further confirm. Thanks for
this reminder.
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fphysics.unm.edu%2FSQuInT%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHj6ClMlF2q9Bwe9xMB2VST7y2ZQQ>)

Matthias Bussonnier

Feb 17, 2015, 5:32:57 PM2/17/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
Hi there, 

I'm little late to the party after seeing a mail forwarded by Fernando Perez.
For theses who don't know me, I'm in Jupyter/IPython team, and I just joined 
UC Berkeley Institut for Data Science this month. 

The space we have in BIDS is equipped to do recording, live google hangout broadcast,
 ipad to remotely control camera and switch from overhead projector to laptop/speaker camera,
chromecast, HF clip mic... Have all the things you wish, is brand new, and we are still figuring out
how to use it. We of course need to reserve the space, and it's a little late for this week-end,
but feel free to ask if you would like the use the space. 

We are a bit constrained by the opening hours of the DOE library [1], 
and we need to take into account that people are working here during the day,
(Though it did not prevent a certain vendor to have a training for a full day on how
to use their cloud computing system, but I digress.)

Also, having official regular requests for using the space would definitively build-up
the case for schedule flexibility and push the dates and time where we can use it. 
It would be a shame not to use something that have been built for such occasions.

So, if you like to request the space, feel free to send an official request, 
I can redirect you toward the right person for that. Try to keep the topic
science/academic related, but I guess that should not be too hard.

I'd like to precise that what I say above is not limited to julia meeting, 
of course. But having talked about this meeting in particular with the
relevant people, with a little bit more time we might have been able to 
get the room. 


Julia Quantum

Feb 17, 2015, 7:46:25 PM2/17/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
@Matthias Thank you so much for your detailed information! Currently, we will stick to the hotel room we have rented for the Saturday evening. If some recording facilities from BIDS can be borrowed and moved to the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, that would be great! The camera I borrowed cannot do the usb streaming thing. I don't neither need to carry it over there from New Mexico if you can serve it locally. But it is not a big deal, I think.  Check out our event schedule at https://github.com/JuliaQuantum/JuliaQuantum.github.io/issues/15

The urgent thing for us now is that our message cannot be posted over the Bay area Julia users meetup group for some reason, and so we appreciate if you or any other people can help spread out the word through personal networks. I would also be glad to see if there is someone can help us rewrite the Jekyll framework code for our website to avoid copyright issues and so that more posts can be easily updated and shared through our website and social networks rather than limited in the issue forum. It shouldn't be a big project but everyone in our JuliaQuantum org has been pretty busy for various things recently. Thanks.

Matthias Bussonnier

Feb 18, 2015, 1:00:03 AM2/18/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
Le 17 févr. 2015 à 16:46, Julia Quantum <quantu...@gmail.com> a écrit :

@Matthias Thank you so much for your detailed information! Currently, we will stick to the hotel room we have rented for the Saturday evening. If some recording facilities from BIDS can be borrowed and moved to the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, that would be great! The camera I borrowed cannot do the usb streaming thing. I don't neither need to carry it over there from New Mexico if you can serve it locally. But it is not a big deal, I think.  Check out our event schedule at https://github.com/JuliaQuantum/JuliaQuantum.github.io/issues/15

As far as I am aware, all AV things are screwed into the walls. The room has been made for conference so I doubt
any AV material is movable. I'll have a look though.

The urgent thing for us now is that our message cannot be posted over the Bay area Julia users meetup group for some reason, and so we appreciate if you or any other people can help spread out the word through personal networks.

Should we just tweet/retweet link to this discussion ? and issues 15 ? 

I would also be glad to see if there is someone can help us rewrite the Jekyll framework code for our website to avoid copyright issues and so that more posts can be easily updated and shared through our website and social networks rather than limited in the issue forum. It shouldn't be a big project but everyone in our JuliaQuantum org has been pretty busy for various things recently. Thanks.

If it's Jekyll itself, I think Python's Nikola or Pelican could probably replace it. 


Xiaodong Qi

Feb 18, 2015, 2:10:18 AM2/18/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Matthias Bussonnier <bussonnie...@gmail.com> wrote:

Le 17 févr. 2015 à 16:46, Julia Quantum <quantu...@gmail.com> a écrit :

@Matthias Thank you so much for your detailed information! Currently, we will stick to the hotel room we have rented for the Saturday evening. If some recording facilities from BIDS can be borrowed and moved to the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, that would be great! The camera I borrowed cannot do the usb streaming thing. I don't neither need to carry it over there from New Mexico if you can serve it locally. But it is not a big deal, I think.  Check out our event schedule at https://github.com/JuliaQuantum/JuliaQuantum.github.io/issues/15

As far as I am aware, all AV things are screwed into the walls. The room has been made for conference so I doubt
any AV material is movable. I'll have a look though.

The urgent thing for us now is that our message cannot be posted over the Bay area Julia users meetup group for some reason, and so we appreciate if you or any other people can help spread out the word through personal networks.

Should we just tweet/retweet link to this discussion ? and issues 15 ? 
​The issue 15 or the one I posted over the julia-users at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/hk6hHZb3saM
should work for now. ​

I would also be glad to see if there is someone can help us rewrite the Jekyll framework code for our website to avoid copyright issues and so that more posts can be easily updated and shared through our website and social networks rather than limited in the issue forum. It shouldn't be a big project but everyone in our JuliaQuantum org has been pretty busy for various things recently. Thanks.

If it's Jekyll itself, I think Python's Nikola or Pelican could probably replace it. 
​Yes, that issue--I guess it will take a while to conclude. At least, the two css files and the index.html for posts under the news folder have not been finally approved. Even though I have written some posts in markdown and newly defined some css classes, footer and social sharing buttons under the dev-jekyll branch of the juliaquantum.github.io repo, the whole site cannot be released. If you think this task can be easily achieved, I'd happy to relax the requirement of styles and authorize your write access to the repo. But no pressure on this.

Thank you so much. ​

Julia Quantum

Mar 3, 2015, 1:59:59 AM3/3/15
to juli...@googlegroups.com
Videos and slides are available at http://juliaquantum.github.io/news/2015/03/berkeley-meetup-videos-online/index.html

Feel free to pass it onto any other places. Thanks for your support!
On Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 10:05:29 AM UTC-7, Xiaodong Qi wrote:
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