ANN: LightXML.jl

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Oct 5, 2013, 6:40:47 AM10/5/13
I created a new package: LightXML.jl to manipulate XMLs.

This package is a light-weight Julia wrapper of Libxml2, which provides a minimal interface that covers functionalities that are commonly needed:
  • Parse a XML file or string into a tree
  • Access XML tree structure
  • Create an XML tree
  • Export an XML tree to a string or an XML file
This is different from LibExpat.jl.  LightXML.jl works like a DOM and uses typical ways to manipulate XML trees (instead of XPath), and it supports both read & write. 

This package only supports a small but useful subset of the XML spec, and it loads & runs very fast.  

Note: there are other ongoing efforts to provide a complete libxml2 interface (see

Any feedback is appreciated.

- Dahua
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