import OpenCL; const cl = OpenCLfunction leaky() device, ctx, queue = cl.create_compute_context() # Allocate buffer a = cl.Buffer(Float64, ctx, :rw, 1024*1024) cl.flush(queue) cl.release!(queue)end
mem_before = Base.gc_bytes()
for i in 1:100000 leaky()end
gc() //Just to make sure
mem_after = Base.gc_bytes()
println("Memory leaked $((mem_after-mem_before)/1024/100000) kB per step")
function leaky() a = Array(Float64, 1024, 1024) a = nothing return nothingend
precompile(leaky, ())
mem_before = Base.gc_bytes()
gc(); gc(); gc()
mem_after = Base.gc_bytes()
println("Memory leaked $((mem_after-mem_before)/1024) kB")
I reduced it to the minimal leaking case.
Function leaky()
CTX cl.create_some_context()
Return nothing
Is there a particular reason why the constructors of context set the retain to true? If I set it to false the memory leak goes away. Apparently there are platforms where the ocl memory can only be freed iff the reference count of all objects is zero.