[Announcement] Moving to Discourse

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Valentin Churavy

Nov 1, 2016, 9:47:38 AM11/1/16
to julia-dev
We are currently in the progress of moving julia-dev from Google Groups to a Discourse forum/mailing-list powered by Discourse. 
For the reasons behind this move, please see the the statement of intent on julia-users. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/Ov1J6MOVly0

We decided to move julia-dev first because of the smaller mail throughput and to see if we as a community are happy with the features Discourse offers.
The new web address is http://discourse.julialang.org/c/dev.

The timeline for the move is as follows:
  • Discourse is available from now on and we encourage everybody to post new topics there.
  • On November 8th, 2016, julia-dev will be set to read-only mode.
  • We are not doing an automated migration, because we want to give people the choice of opt-in; as such, we won't move over previous content or previous accounts.
A common concern is whether or not you have to use Discourse as a forum or if you can still participate purely through e-mails. 
The short answer to that is that yes, you can! For the long answer head over to http://discourse.julialang.org/t/discourse-as-a-mailing-list for a description on how to set it up.

If you have any concerns about this move please chime in either here or at https://discourse.julialang.org/t/migration-of-google-groups-to-discourse/

Valentin Churavy

Nov 7, 2016, 3:35:12 AM11/7/16
to julia-dev
Just a quick reminder, I am going to disable posting and sign-up to `julia-dev` tomorrow morning (9AM JST).

Valentin Churavy

Nov 7, 2016, 8:59:52 PM11/7/16
to julia-dev
I just set this mailing list to read-only mode and disabled sign-ups.

Please continue discussions at https://discourse.julialang.org/c/dev and let me know if you have any concerns about this move.
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