500 € for an in-18 of École des Robinsons?

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Mar 28, 2021, 7:41:34 PM3/28/21
to Jules Verne Forum
Bonjour les connaisseurs,

Deadbeat bidders at work? Or maybe it’s really worth a lot of money? Can you imagine why people bid so much for that copy?

Bien cordialement

Manuel Guillermo Gómez Paz

Mar 29, 2021, 7:09:27 PM3/29/21
to Jules Verne Forum

   Perhaps a revival of the Kolderup/Taskinar´s auction bids?  


Apr 4, 2021, 5:57:28 PM4/4/21
to Jules Verne Forum
That must be it, since there is no other explanation :D

Well, a fellow member (you may know him) of the German Jules Verne Club wrote in an e-mail that maybe some special aficionados all fancied this copy and entered a bidding race.

That’s possible. And we all know that in a bidding race "monomanie" and "amour-propre" can come into play. We know that because we’ve read it in Un billet de loterie ;)
"La dernière surenchère était de huit mille marks — ce qui ne pouvait s’expliquer que par une véritable monomanie, à moins qu’il ne s’agît là d’une question d’amour-propre entre l’Amérique et la Grande-Bretagne." https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Un_billet_de_loterie/XIV

Best wishes

Manuel Guillermo Gómez Paz

Apr 4, 2021, 9:08:25 PM4/4/21
to Jules Verne Forum

Yes; it would be just amour-propre. That is the same explanation of the Kolderup/Taskinar exaggerated bids: “Énormément riches tous les deux, ces mortels ennemis. Ce ne serait donc plus qu’une question d’amour-propre” (L´École des Robinsons, Ch. III, https://freeditorial.com/es/books/l-ecole-des-robinsons/readonline



Apr 10, 2021, 5:13:08 PM4/10/21
to Jules Verne Forum
Next one:
Nearly 650 € (648,49 € including shipping (inside Germany)). It’s not even the original edition, although the seller says so („Erstausgabe“); you can tell from the frontis, which is the second version. Also, it’s not an original "cartonnage Hetzel" but a private binding, it that is the correct term.
Any idea what’s so valuable about that copy? The coat of arms on the cover? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbols_of_Brussels
It was on offer on ebay’s German site, but it says worldwide shipping. Even if only German bidders bid on it you’d expect someone who buys a book in French to be able to read French, in other words: to be able to have a look at ebay’s French site, too… where – at least I think so – copies similar to the one in question can be had at significantly lower prices.

Best wishes

Stephen PERIN

Apr 22, 2021, 3:26:58 PM4/22/21
to Jules Verne Forum

In the same vein, here is the catalog of an incoming auction, I' ve just received, planned the 18th of May, in France.
It includes price ranges, and some interesting explanation for the rarities.

Cf., e.g., "Cartonnages « aux deux éléphants » de type 4", which seems quite a rarity... and the "« Graal » des Voyages extraordinaires"—only €96,000USD...

Not for all budgets—including mine!—, I'm afraid... but still enjoyable  to leaf through.

So... enjoy!

----- Message transmis -----
De : Jean-Michel Bini <pswlivre...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : mercredi 21 avril 2021 à 13:00:00 UTC+2
Objet : Vente exceptionnelle de Jules Verne le 18 mai à Drouot

Bonjour Madame, Monsieur

Le 18 mai 2018 à Drout se déroulera la vente la collection de Monsieur Pierre Jacob. Pour cette première vente (trois autres suivront) Il y a 139   lots qui seront mis en vente dont une Ile Mystérieuse au plat personnalisé, un Sandorf au globe et des reliures dites d’essai : tulipes, Grenades, Fleurs de lys. C’est une magnifique collection fruit de plusieurs décennies de recherches acharnées et surtout méthodique.

Je suis le Co-expert de cette vente avec Mr Mellot de la librairie Monte-Christo

En pièce jointe le catalogue en format PDF

En vous souhaitant une belle journée, cordialement votre

Mr Bini

Tel 06 86 55 5870


Stephen PERIN

Apr 22, 2021, 4:16:36 PM4/22/21
to Jules Verne Forum
P.S. I updated the authorization in order for you to access the file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10POQFJBTpd9_aeLmqIUkMawLx4st-yZj/view?usp=sharing

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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