John Lamb <>: Dec 05 01:43AM -0800
Hello everyone, My name is John Lamb and I am new to this forum, I have my own website dedicated to Jules Verne's links with Birkenhead, a ship building town lying on the River Mersey ...more |
Jean-Louis Trudel <>: Dec 05 07:15AM -0500
Greetings, Truly fascinating. However, I believe it's fairly established that Verne did not read English fluently. The French National Library has the 1869 Semmes book in English, but it does ...more |
Jan Rychlik <>: Dec 05 09:54PM +0100
Hi, besides the Semmes book in French there was certainty a huge newspaper coverage of the Alabama Claims, the case between US and UK which Verne mentions in several of his books. ...more |
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