Node Colors in Treemap

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Oct 22, 2009, 2:08:10 PM10/22/09
to juicekit
I realize this question was already asked, but I feel that the answer
was vague. How do I change the color of individual nodes.
Specifically, being able to follow a clicked node to the max depth. I
changed the color by using "( as
NodeSprite).fillColor = 0xffffffff" but as soon as the
TreeMapZoomControl transition finishes, the color changes back to the
color palette. How do I get this color change to stick?

Thank you,


Sal Uryasev

Oct 22, 2009, 2:49:30 PM10/22/09
Hey Mark,

What you are trying to do is not actually possible with the current version of the Treemap.  This is due to the fact that the ColorEncoder overrides colors in the treemap nodes at certain points when the data or colors could have been updated.

However, we recently built a version of the treemap for a client that adds the ability to adjust the properties of nodes (including color) automatically based upon certain criteria that can be passed by means of an annonymous function.  This code would probably solve your dilemma.  I will try to get it pushed out into the unstable branch as soon as possible.

Sal Uryasev
Juice Analytics
+1 (352) 213 9734
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