JuiceKit 1.2 release

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Chris Gemignani

Aug 27, 2009, 7:35:02 AM8/27/09
to juicekit
We have just released JuiceKit 1.2. The release notes (http://
docs.google.com/View?id=dcwc9h4r_28f53pj9gs) cover the highlights.

I want to highlight a few things.

* The repository location has changed to http://github.com/chrisgemignani/juicekit/tree/.
* The TreeMapControl's appearance has been significantly improved by
reworking some Flare backend bits.
* We can now generate treemap data from a flat file
* New features have been added around Colors and ColorPalette--
including over 30 professionally designed palettes built-in.
* A new component, LiveQuery allows you to bind in Flex to the
results of a Flare Query.

We'll have an expanded set of demos out soon that exercise all this
new functionality.

This release should be backward compatible with versions of JuiceKit
you already have. Please let me know if you have any problems. Two
things we're planning on doing soon are supplying prebuilt versions of
JuiceKit swcs and opening up our Jira repository if you have bugs.



Aug 27, 2009, 7:53:27 AM8/27/09
to juicekit
Looking forward to trying this out!!!!



Aug 27, 2009, 12:30:20 PM8/27/09
to juicekit
From the new location should the following update still work?:

$ git submodule update -i

I think this pulled down the flare src in the old location, yes?

Or is the flare src code the same sa before?

thanks in advance...

On Aug 27, 12:35 pm, Chris Gemignani
<chris.gemign...@juiceanalytics.com> wrote:
> We have just released JuiceKit 1.2. The release notes (http://
> docs.google.com/View?id=dcwc9h4r_28f53pj9gs) cover the highlights.
> I want to highlight a few things.
>  * The repository location has changed tohttp://github.com/chrisgemignani/juicekit/tree/.

Chris Gemignani

Aug 27, 2009, 12:44:00 PM8/27/09
to juic...@googlegroups.com

The submodule update will still work.

The submodule update is actually pulling flare from http://github.com/chrisgemignani/flare_juicekit/tree/master. It pulls the submodule based on a relative path from the main repo.

We have made a number of updates to the Flare source code. The commits can be found here:

- Chris

Chris Gemignani
Juice Analytics
phone: 571.205.4789


Aug 27, 2009, 2:13:33 PM8/27/09
to juicekit
Thanks for the quick reply...

I'm new to git so forgive if a silly question but when I run:

$ git submodule update -i

Nothing happens and nothing is downloaded.

However I can go direct to the flare src address and runt eh git clone
command and I get the updates. Am i missing something with the git
update command?


On Aug 27, 5:44 pm, Chris Gemignani
<chris.gemign...@juiceanalytics.com> wrote:
> Urckle:
> The submodule update will still work.
> The submodule update is actually pulling flare fromhttp://github.com/chrisgemignani/flare_juicekit/tree/master. It pulls the


Aug 27, 2009, 2:21:50 PM8/27/09
to juicekit
Ok, I've cloned the new src from the flare location from git. Then I
dropped it into the juicekit from the new location and I can build it

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