First JUG meeting 07.07.08

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Jul 2, 2008, 9:50:54 AM7/2/08
to Java User Group Latvia
Hello Everyone,

It is the right time to start our own local Java User Groups.

The purpose of the first meeting is mostly for people to meet each
other and to discuss the goals of Latvian JUG and how to achieve them.

The proposed meeting time is the next Monday (07.07.08).

If there are more interested people you are aware of please add them
to the list.



Jul 2, 2008, 10:08:57 AM7/2/08
to Java User Group Latvia
Дима, у нас тут ребята в отпуск на следующей неделе идут,
и в понедельник тоже не особо у всех получится.
Сейчас лето и такие проблемы будут. Правда, я на след.неделе
буду и собраться у меня всеравно можно.


Jul 3, 2008, 2:34:25 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia
In that case let's may be try it today as we discussed earlier.

Somewhere in Mezhciems at 6-30, right?

Is it still possible?



Jul 3, 2008, 3:17:49 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia

Denis Udod

Jul 3, 2008, 5:32:40 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia

Jul 3, 2008, 6:22:02 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia
Unfortunately Max can not join neither today nor on Monday :/

So I guess we need to come up with another date proposal. The next
"Day X" is next Thursday 10 of July.

Please post whether everyone is available after working hours. Another
open question is where to meet. There is still a proposal to meet in
Max apartment. Another option is cafeteria (with real Java coffee) in
Alfa shopping mall on Brivibas. It would be great if everyone would
tell about his availability and preferences on the meeting place.

Hope we will make it happen this time...


Denis Udod

Jul 3, 2008, 8:24:45 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia
10-Jul and Alfa cafeteria is ok for me.



Jul 3, 2008, 8:33:26 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia
-1, Not present in the Latvia on 9-21 of July


Jul 3, 2008, 9:12:45 AM7/3/08
Hi everybody,

I'm ok with 10-Jul. Since we have time till our meeting
I'd like to ask everybody to think about what do you expect
from the JUG. Since it is summer and it may be too hard
to to meet together so that everybody could participate.

From my side I'd like to have a kind of group of good Java
developers who is interested in some new technologies. Where
everybody has welling to show own ideas, share interesting
opinions and discuss them.
At least at the beginning I would not like to have the JUG like
training classes for students. Mostly I'm interested in 2 side
communications with experienced people.

For instance we could have a list of things we would like to
discuss. Somebody could present something and we have a
discussion about the topic, try to make some conclusions etc.

When we have a web page we could try to publish our
discussion minutes and additional materials on the Web.

Since the meetings are free to attend for everybody it would
be nice to have a good relaxing atmosphere, some tee, cakes etc :)
On the other hand we need a board for drawings, some laptops,
and ideally projector.

The other things like inviting external speakers or organizing
more wide range meetings can be in future when we'll have
more stable relationships.

BTW I have no problems if somebody writes in Russian or
Latvian if there are difficulties with English.

Guys, please, share your thoughts. What do you think about that?
Let's probably start discussion here and continue on our
off-line meting(s).



Jul 3, 2008, 9:37:01 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia

I will be out of Riga on 7-21 July. :(


Jul 3, 2008, 9:37:32 AM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia
Summer is indeed a hot time for vacations. I will be abroad on 11-20
of July. Just for the information.

I think it is a good idea to start discussions right here so we could
meet well prepared.

For the first meetings just a room with tea and coffee is completely
enough for me. No laptops or other devices required. As for further
meetings this is of course necessary. From my side I can try to
organize a class room in Riga Technical University Computer Science
faculty (Mezha str. 1) starting from September. Until then other
options are needed. This is an open question.

For me JUG is a place to meet other Java developers interested of the
technologies and methodologies of software development as I am ;)
The meetings could be indeed presentations with further discussions.
But more important I think is the goal of creating a new community of
people with shared interest and enough momentum to influence things
and cooperate.

BTW on the Jazoon conference I have contacted guys from Java User
Group Transilvania, which was created several months ago and they are
eager to share their experience or/and to exchange with presenters if
needed. As I understood to have a speaker from the Open Source
community is pretty simple when you can pay his travel and
accommodation :)

The goals right now is to establish a team of co-founders with shared
responsibilities and involvement. There are some open questions to
discuss. A first step is to have our JUG officially registered for
people able to find it. To do so we need a news group (like this one),
web site (probably a logo (who can draw?) and first regular
meetings (could be monthly based). After we will have all this
question solved we can have a couple of "closed" meetings with highly
proactive/interested/experienced people, which will make the basis of
the JUG. After that it is a time to spread the word in the
universities, IT companies, Forums and so on. I can not see further
right now what will happen, but I think if the basis of the group will
be solid nothing bad can happen.

Regarding the language used, I suppose that English should be used in
announcements more or less official topics, while Russian and Latvian
in other threads. If there are people from Estonia or Lithuania they
will not understand Latvian for sure, may be Russian, but also not



Jul 3, 2008, 10:15:47 AM7/3/08
- Some time ago I've made a mock up for the (see in attachment)
I'm not an artist :) But, I suppose that we could have
something like with silhouette of Riga.

- I've already purchased the domain I agree to donate it on behalf
of our JUG. Regarding the hosting as I mentioned - it would be nice if it
is Java hosting.

- I have 1 option for a meeting - sauna of LU. It costs 8 Ls
per hour. If we take it for 3 hours for 6 people it will be 4 Ls
per person. It is located in the city center (Aspazijas blv.)

>As I understood to have a speaker from the Open Source
>community is pretty simple when you can pay his travel and
>accommodation :)

You know, I think if you can pay travel and accommodation
you can get almost everybody :) The main question - who can pay?




Jul 3, 2008, 8:15:09 PM7/3/08
to Java User Group Latvia
Is this correct time to begin thinking about manifest or smth?

What should we do now till overall public meeting (as some of us are
absent during vacation time)?
As I understand - we could prepare some kind of vision: possible
involvement variants / proposition lists / topics of the interests...
When we could just sit around and see what are the connection points
and how could we benefit / make it more suitable and interesting.


Jul 4, 2008, 5:07:08 AM7/4/08
>Is this correct time to begin thinking about manifest or smth?
I think that we could think about that now. While vision and topics of
interests are also needed. Just these are separate things and we need
them both.

Regarding topics of interest I'd like for instance to hear something
about Javazoon
conference from Dima. It would be nice if he shown us his presentation
about GWT.


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