New Jersey's Halfway House Scandal.

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Jul 3, 2012, 3:09:24 PM7/3/12
to Juan Galis-Menendez
Kate Zernike, "Christie Signs Budget, But Also Vetos Pieces," in "The
New York Times," June 30, 2012, at p. A18.

Sam Dolnick, "Christie Restricts Legislature's Scrutiny of Halfway
Houses," in "The New York Times," June 30, 2012, at p. A17.

"Gov. Chris Christie on Friday curved an effort by the New Jersey
Legislature to improve oversight on the state's system of large,
privately-run halfway houses."

Apparently, the crusading "corruption-busting" former U.S. Attorney,
Mr. Christie, has decided that not all corruption is created equal.
What's going on, Chris?

When Governor Christie's former law partner, William J. Palatucci, is
involved in promoting and PROFITING from tainted halfway houses public
scrutiny is a bad thing for the Republican governor. Who knew? Codey
knew and gambled wisely that nothing would happen if this scandal
broke. ("Richard J. Codey, Esq. Immortalized on Canvas at Taxpayer

Information requested by Democrats in the Legislature concerning
operations of the halfway houses may be used to embarass the governor
in future political efforts -- which is probably the real reason for
Democrats' requests for information in the the first place -- leading
Mr. Christie to "reduce new disclosure requirements."

I am sure that Mr. Christie, publicly, will deny any political motives
for his actions. Like Bob Menendez, Chris Christie is for all the
people. ("Is Menendez For Sale?" and "Senator Bob, the Babe, and the
Big Bucks.")

Articles in the "Times" detailed "widespread violence, gang activity,
drug use and escapes plaguing the halfway houses, Mr. Christie ordered
the Corrections Department last week to step up their inspections and
the Legislature sought to increase their scrutiny."

Sweeney and Codey are proceeding warily since they may have dipped
their fingers in the same pie. Senator Bob says "I do not speak
English" -- which is certainly true, but then Bob also does not speak
Spanish. Much the same lack of ability to speak English is attributed
to Mr. Sweeney with much less excuse for it. ("Is Stephen M. Sweeney,
Esq. a Liar?")

Mr. Christie refuses to answer any questions concerning cybercrime and
censorship aimed against me: Who are you protecting, Mr. Christie? Who
are Mr. Palatucci's "friends"? Is this the end or only a continuation
of New Jersey's "culture of corruption"? ("U.S. Attorney Says 'New
Jersey is a Culture of Corruption!'" and "Law and Ethics in the
Soprano State.")

"A close friend and political adviser of Mr. Christie's[,] William J.
Palatucci" -- who denies underworld affiliations as an "ethical"
member of the New Jersey Bar Association -- "is a senior vice
president of the company. [CEC] Mr. Christie was registered as a
LOBBYIST [conflict of interest, Mr. Christie?] for the company in 2000
and 2001, when he was a private lawyer, and in recent years, he has
repeatedly visited and praised the company's facilities." (emphasis

Conflicts of interest are held to be unethical and may be criminal for
members of the bar, like Mr. Christie. Bribes may also be illegal,
although this is not necessarily true in New Jersey. ("Senator Bob
Loves Xanadu!" and "Does Senator Menendez have mafia friends?" then
"Is Menendez For Sale?")

I wonder whether Terry Tuchin has done "work" for the halfway houses
("interrogational hypnosis and/or torture" of victims like Larry
Peterson) or is "connected" to Mr. Christie and/or Mr. Palatucci
(Stuart Rabner may be Tuchin's "godfather"), since Terry Tuchin is a
Republican? ("Larry Peterson Cleared by DNA" and "Terry Tuchin, Diana
Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" then "An Open
Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa

Finally, Mr. Christie's budget "cuts down" on spending for the
neediest New Jersey residents, including senior citizens, while
insisting on tax cuts for all of the state's MILLIONAIRES. I am so
relieved that N.J. will assist the rich at the expense of the poor.
("Herbert Klitzner, Esq.'s Greed and New Jersey's Hypocrisy" and
"Stealing From the Poor to Give to the Rich in New Jersey.")

Additional Sources:

Charles Stile, "Christie Got Boost From Rival's Power: Norcross Helped
College Plan and Call For Tax Cuts," in "The Record," July 2, 2012, at
p. A-1. (Politics in New Jersey makes for VERY strange bedfellows:
"George E. Norcross, III is the Boss of New Jersey's Politics and

AP, "Al-Qaida Ramps Up Attacks in Iraq," in "The Record," July 2,
2012, at p. A-7. (I thought it was all over in Iraq? More than 7,000
Americans killed in Iraq; 2007 in Afghanistan; over 100,000 wounded --
so far -- in both military conflicts. Bring the troops home, Mr.

"Roche to Leave: Business Incentives Can Only Go So Far," (Editorial)
in "The Record," July 2, 2012, at p. A-13. (The real reason for
business departures from N.J. is organized crime control of
government, high taxes, poor services -- especially in Diana Lisa
Riccioli's Clifton.)

Monsy Alvarado, "Ridgefield Mayor in Battle Over Lawyer's Fees:
Insurer Denies $788,000 Bill to Defend Mayor," in "The Record," July
2, 2012, at p. L-2. (No OAE concern about "excessive fees," which are
ultimately paid by the taxpayers or public they should protect, when
connected lawyers are "on the tit." See "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal
System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" then "Jennifer
Velez is a Dyke Magnet!" and "New Jersey's Politically Connected
Lawyers On the Tit.")

Kim Lueddeke, "Protesters March on Chief's Home: Call on Garfield's
Amos to Quit," in "The Record," July 2, 2012, at p. L-3. (Calls on
tainted Chief of Police, KEVIN AMOS, to step down. The Chief is
accused of targeting for destruction an individual, Henry Vargas, who
may have been framed, to prevent his testimony against the Chief's
son. Harassments and threats of Mr. Vargas may be criminal even in New
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