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Jul 18, 2012, 3:35:35 PM7/18/12
to Juan Galis-Menendez
My goal today was to re-post "Albert Florence and American Racism" at

The sabotage at blogger makes posting efforts highly problematic, at
the moment, even from public computers. I am optimistic that I will be
able to return to blogger, some day, in order to complete my work at
that site.

Perhaps I will re-post the Albert Florence essay at this group because
I believe that developments at the conclusion of the U.S. Supreme
Court's recent term make that essay more important than ever.

As I type these words, I cannot be certain of regaining access to
"Against Dark Arts" nor can I be sure from one day to the next of
writing, freely, even at this location. I only promise that I will try
to write on-line, every day.

Please recall that the hard drive on my personal computer was
destroyed by New Jersey-based hackers. No images can be posted by me
on-line. I cannot access my e-mail account at MSN or Yahoo, nor can I
be certain that my books at Lulu continue to exist or remain available
free of charge to interested readers.

I am sure that both the Florence matter and the circumstances under
which I am forced to post these comments on the Internet are revealing
of the realities of life in America in 2012 and (probably) beyond this

Compare "Perception" on TNT with "Magician's Choice"; then "666 Park
Avenue" the t.v. series with "Drawing Room Comedy: A Philosophical
Essay in the Form of a Film Script": finally, "What is it like to be
plagiarized?" with "'Brideshead Revisited': A Movie Review."
Coincidence? ("How censorship works in America" then "Censorship,

More than anger or fear, my primary feelings are curiosity about how
these crimes could have become routine in America. Is all of this part
of the residue of 9/11 and its aftermath? Are all criticisms of
government potential "terrorist actions" in a post-Bush/Cheney
America? I hope not.

Patriotism is sometimes expressed in critiques of government policies
or military actions. One lesson of the Vietnam and Watergate era is
that patriotism REQUIRES us to criticize government when it deviates
from the moral and/or Constitutional course. (No italics or bold
script are available at Google Groups, no texts can be edited by me.)

I hope that persons in other countries observe and appreciate the
implications of this struggle by one "insignificant person," a so-
called "inferior" of the self-proclaimed "bosses" in New Jersey -- a
struggle for everyone's civil liberties that may be symbolic of many
similar struggles in places like Syria, also for self-determination
and freedom of expression as well as thought.

If it is true that many friends are reading these works in Cuba and
other countries, then they should see my situation as the true test of
America's commitment to the rights of dissidents. Do you believe that
dissidents' free speech rights are protected and that all are equally
entitled to express their views in America? ("Manifesto for the
Unfinished American Revolution" and "America's Holocaust.")

To limit my freedom of expression is also to limit YOUR right of
access to speech. This deprivation of rights includes the rights of
persons in Cuba prevented from reading my writings not through actions
of the Cuban government, but as a result of the cybercrime and
censorship from New Jersey and/or Miami of which so many of you are on-
line witnesses.
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