Ah, trying to get caught up with communications now that the election
is over --
I agree with the note of caution here - we have a couple of widget
providers that I just had to give up on because they either cannot
provide enough bandwidth to make the site experience enjoyable, or
they are just plain not reliable enough, and tend to hang the site
when they're down. We try to do as much as possible in-house.
On Oct 31, 1:51 pm, Tish Grier <
tishgr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Michelle,
> Third-party widgets can be great!
> They can also suck up a ton of bandwidth and take forever to load--depending on how many you have. Nothing worse than a site that's slow to load because of widgets!
> Judicious use of widgets, IMO, as with anything...
> Best,
> Tish
> --- On Fri, 10/31/08, MFerrier <
miche...@michelleferrier.com> wrote: