bar { v8 C4 D4 E4 F4 (C4 E4 G4) }
bar { v8 C4 D4 E4 F4 (C4 E4 G4) } repeat 3
What if you could write music in a notation like the above? And have it render as something like this:
Mohit Muthanna has implemented music notion in Canvas. He has the beginnings of it right now, and still needs to tie in a nice DSL to write it out.
Jono of Mozilla worked on a simple text based DSL which was nice as you could just tweak text in a textarea and you are done.
The current API looks like this:
SVG could be a good choice for this too, with semantics in place. Then it would be cool to have a player, that reads it and pumps out the <audio> :)