Additional Prefix for Netherlands

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Nikolas Niekamp

Oct 6, 2017, 11:35:30 AM10/6/17
to JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition

I´m in te Netherlands very often a year but can´t use the Software while the Prefix PD representing the Novicelicence is not available.

My Call has to look like PD/DO6NIK or PD/DO6NIK/mm.

Is there any Plan to implement the additonal Prefix ?

73 de DO6NIK


Oct 7, 2017, 2:30:15 AM10/7/17
to JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition
Hello Nik

Yes, i insert this prefix in the next release.
But you can download the new exe file form my dropbox:
Replace the existing exe file in the program directory and test the prefix PD

Good luck and 73 Beat

Wolfgang K. Meister

Oct 7, 2017, 3:14:28 AM10/7/17
to JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition
Hello Beat,

I am not sure, what this 'PD' as a prefix will create at other stations, using different
software, for example the WSJT-X 1.7 devel or 1.8 rc2. According to the JT65 specs,
'PD' is not a 'valid' prefix, therefore it will be considered as a 'free text'.
There is a table in the Help of WSJT-X. It shows what prefixes and suffixes are in the
JT65 specs.

The same applies for the suffix 'mm', also not a part in the table of valid JT65
prefix & suffix.

Messages can be tested with the 'jt65code.exe', a part of the WSJT-X package.

As Nick wanted, 'PD/DO6NIK/MM' are 12 characters. If this message is
converted as 'free text', which could be done, ther is no more space for
any other info in such message.

Let's try some variations:

F:\wsjtx 1.7\bin>jt65code "PD/DO6NIK"
    Message                Decoded              Err? Type          Expected
 1. PD/DO6NIK              PD/DO6NIK                 6:Free text   UNKNOWN

Packed message, 6-bit symbols  37 37 38 22 20 38 59  4 22 15 56 28

Information-carrying channel symbols
   13 46 45 45 51 15 35 50 53 33 36 18 49 13 54 47 39 38  0 38 32
   35  3 53 24 55  6 61 14 63 24  6 20 11 55 29 12 41 30 18 18 61
    9 53  8 15 34 13 58 48 54 11 29 36 53 19 55 37 31 39 47 30 18

F:\wsjtx 1.7\bin>jt65code "DO6NIK/MM"
    Message                Decoded              Err? Type          Expected
 1. DO6NIK/MM              DO6NIK/MM                 6:Free text   UNKNOWN

Packed message, 6-bit symbols  20  9  7 24  5 60 27 33 44 15 56 28

Information-carrying channel symbols
   53 36 46  5 38 61 46 23 34  9  8 10 17 31 51 26 59 22  5 21 52
    4 48 53 52 30 49 15 14 26 52 32  9 62 13 58 58 10 16 10 45 54
   56  4  8 20 14  5 45 37 51 36 20 36 37 29 12 29 15 42 45  7 18

I have no info about the QRA locator of DO6NIK, therefore I used 'AA11'

F:\wsjtx 1.7\bin>jt65code "CQ PD/DO6NIK/MM AA11"
    Message                Decoded              Err? Type          Expected
 1. CQ PD/DO6NIK/MM AA11   CQ PD/DO6NIK AA11      *  4:Type 2 pfx  UNKNOWN

Packed message, 6-bit symbols  62 52  9  7 21 28 30 29 56 23 52 41

Information-carrying channel symbols
   15 33  6 53 19 14  9 10 18 35 22 40  1  5 58 28 57 17 54 16  3
   23 49 47 59 33 19 53 14 38 44 39 51 40 46 36 36 40 39 47  4 41
   27 13 28 60 38 38  6  4 39  6  4 46  7 15 15 29 34  7 28 31 61

As one can see, pfx is 'UNKNOWN' and the 'MM' is ommited.

If Nik would send me a report "OE1MWW PD/DO6NIK/MM -10"

F:\wsjtx 1.7\bin>jt65code "OE1MWW PD/DO6NIK/MM -10"
    Message                Decoded              Err? Type          Expected
 1. OE1MWW PD/DO6NIK/MM -1 OE1MWW PD/DO6          *  6:Free text   UNKNOWN

Packed message, 6-bit symbols  36  6 51 58  3  3  6  6 23 13 54 10

Information-carrying channel symbols
   50 22 31 50 21 20 42 46  2 43 55 34 13 59 38 61 24  5 60 42 29
   53 28 59 36 54  5 34  5 63 41 56 48 46  5 28 43  2 19 10 31 23
   23 42 11 52 31 44 38 19 20 34 39 45 13 48 13 51 50 40 26  2 15

the result will be "OE1MWW PD/DO6" .... ????

Same result if he would send "OE1MWW PD/DO6NIK -10"

It's free text and the maximum are 13 characters.

There has been an ongoing discussion with stations using special
call signs, like 2017 in the middle or any 4 digit number for annual
celebration. There is no way, the JT65 protocol is not able to handle

73's de OE1MWW


Oct 11, 2017, 1:42:19 AM10/11/17
to JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition
Hello Wolfgang

The jt65 protocol version 2 allows prefixes with up to 4 chars (letters and numbers). I have no idea, why WSJT-X don't provide PD?
Avoid Free Text instead of Generated Text and note, prefixes are only sent with CQ, QRZ or DE as first word in the message. You can never use a call with prefix and suffix in jt65.

Install version 5.0.1, available on the download page.

73 and good luck

Wolfgang K. Meister

Oct 11, 2017, 7:58:44 AM10/11/17
to JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition
Hello Beat,

the only document I am aware of, is the
There is says: "Supported suffixes are /P and /0 to /9' , so there is no /mm or /MM
The prefix table is different to the one implemented in WSJT-X and it's help. (?)

Where did you find a 'version 2' of the JT65 protocol specs?

Using JT65code.exe of the current WSJT-X and trying, as an example:
"CQ 3D2R/OE1MWW RH97"   (I wish, I where there...) results in "CQ 3D2R/OE1MWW" and the locator is missing.
The same result will be seen, if I enter this in WSJT-X and try to transmit it.

The same will happen if I use 3D2R/OE1MWW/P or whatever suffix.

We have a saying in Vienna"nix is fix, alles ist möglich..oder doch nicht"
(nothing is fixed, everything is possible... or sometimes not)

Next days, I will try a setup JT65-HB9HQX 5.01 <=> WSJT-X and check, what each side understands

Wolfgang K. Meister

Oct 11, 2017, 8:24:00 AM10/11/17
to JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition

there is a bug in the JT65 coding too.

jt65code.exe -t lists all possible variations. Prefix 'A000' to 'ZZZZ' should be possible.
Contrary to the specs in the document,
some 4 char prefixes starting with a digit, or for example, per list 'VK9M' do not work.

"CQ 3D3R/OE1MWW RH97" results in "CQ 3D3R/OE1MWW"

If I just change it to "CQ AD3R/OE1MWW RH97" or "CQ ZD3R/OE1MWW RH97" it will be sent
as typed. Otherwise, the listed VK9M "CQ VK9M/OE1MWW JN88" does not work, QRA locator
is missing in this case.

And any suffix that is appended will not be sent!

As I said: "nix is fix..."


Oct 12, 2017, 1:46:52 AM10/12/17
Have a look at:!topic/linrad/rLY4Y4StAbw

See the screenshot of the pack and unpack message testprogram.
I think, the WSJT-X team should do the job and implement jt65v2 protocol in WSJT-X.

The source code of the jt65-hf.dl is available on the download page:

Wolfgang K. Meister

Oct 12, 2017, 3:22:44 AM10/12/17
to JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition

tanks for the Info. I got a reply from Bill, G4WJS. Bill is one of the team members
leading the developement of WSJT-X.

Here is a copy of the email:

==== snip ====
Hi Wolfgang,

there are two different types of compound calls supported in WSJT-X,
type 1 which use the predefined suffixes and prefixes that are shown in
the help menu and newer type 2 compound calls that support a wider range
of prefixes and suffixes limited by format rather to a predefined list.
Both types have limitations on the messages that can be sent. Type 1
cannot be sent with grid squares in CQ/QRZ and TX1 messages but do
include both full callsigns in those message types. Type 2 compound
callsigns can send a grid and full callsign in a CQ/QRZ message but
cannot send a full callsign with another callsign in other message
types, instead having to send the base callsign only or a DE
<full-callsign> message with a report, R+report or 73 message. The User
Guide contains examples of QSOs with both types of compound callsign.

==== snip ====
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