visibility of a chart

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Cyrille Piatecki

Jun 11, 2024, 5:27:05 AM6/11/24
to JSXGraph
I have a lot of chart of pie type  looking as

var chart23 = board.create('chart', dataArr23,
         fillOpacity:0.8, center:[5,2], strokeColor:'white', highlightStrokeColor:'black', strokeWidth:4,visible:false,
         labels:["$\\textrm{Intervention (33%)}$","$\\textrm{Dotation (0.14%)}$", "$\\textrm{Opérations Financières (20%)}$","$\\textrm{Fonctionnement (10%)}$", "$\\textrm{Charge de la Dette (7%)}$", "$\\textrm{Personnel (27%)}$","$\\textrm{Investissement (3%)}$"],

setAttribute and setProperty are documented. But when I try chart2.setAttribute({visible:true}) -- i have setted the property false by default, the return is

char23.setAttribute is not a function.

So the question is how to have access to the parameters of a chart ?

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