intersection between a curve and a line

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Mar 29, 2019, 12:20:36 PM3/29/19
to JSXGraph
I have a curve (y=e^x) and a line (y=2). Is it possible to have the intersection point of these and to see it displayed in a graph as a point.

Thank you very much.

Hovo Menejyan

Mar 29, 2019, 12:50:34 PM3/29/19
to JSXGraph
Yes, it is possible.

You can use the following method to find the intersection and then just place a point at that location.

JXG.Math.Geometry.meetCurveLine(el1, el2, nr, board, alwaysIntersect)

You can even find all the intersections by using this method(think about curves such as sin(x) and the x axis, there are more than 1 intersection). Here is some pseudoCode that finds all the intersections.

let finishedFindingIntersections = false;
let i
= 0;
let intersectionCoords
= [];
while(!finishedFindingIntersections) {
  let newPoint
= window.JXG.Math.Geometry.meetCurveLine(yourCurve, yourLine, i, this.board, true).usrCoords;

if (isNaN(newPoint[1])) {
= true;
} else {
.push([newPoint[1], newPoint[2]]);
+= 1;

After this you can just put points by using the data that you have in intersectionCoords array.

Take a look at the following webpage for all the possible intersection types and for the descriptions.

Apr 1, 2019, 6:10:55 AM4/1/19
to JSXGraph
Thank you Hovo Menejyan. It works.
Now I have a line that is mobile through a slider.
The intersection point remain fixed at the first value.
How to render the intersection point dinamic?

Here is the code.


<div class="grafico">
<div id="box3" class="jxgbox" style="height: 240px; width: 260px;"></div>
<div id="box4c" class="jxgbox" style="height: 90px; width: 250px;"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

JXG.Options.point.label = {highlight: false, offset:[-10,10]};
JXG.Options.line.label = {highlight: false, offset:[-10,10]};
JXG.Options.text.useMathJax = true;
JXG.Options.axis.ticks.minorTicks = 0;
JXG.Options.axis.ticks.majorHeight = -1;
JXG.Options.axis.ticks.label = {visible: false, highlight: false, offset:[-12,-10]};

board4c = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box4c', {boundingbox: [0, 1.33, 10, -1.33], showNavigation: false, showCopyright: false, grid: false, pan: false, zoom: false});
sliderBLU3_2 = board4c.create('slider',[[0.8,0.5],[8.5,0.5],[0.1, 1.67, 2]], {id:'slider3_0', highlight:false,highline: {highlight:false}, baseline: {highlight:false}, fillColor:'blue',strokeColor:'black', withLabel:true});
board4c.create('text',[0, 0.5, function(){return '' + 'a' + ''}],{fontSize:'', fixed:true, highlight:false});

board3 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box3', {originX: 60, originY: 140, unitX: 50, unitY: 50, showNavigation: false, showCopyright: false, axis: true, zoomX: 0.4, zoomY: 0.4, fixed: true, pan: false, zoom: false});
board3.create('text',[9, -0.35, function(){return "x"}], {highlight: false, fixed:true});
board3.create('text',[-0.5, 6.5, function(){return "y"}], {highlight: false, fixed:true});
label_zero3 = board3.create('text',[-0.5, -0.35, function(){return "O"}], {fixed: true, highlight: false});

var graph = board3.create('functiongraph',
[function(x){ return Math.pow(1.2, x);}, -4, 10]

var p_for_line1 = board3.create('point', [0, function(x){ return sliderBLU3_2.Value();}], {name:'1', strokeColor:'white', fillColor:'red', highlight: false, fixed:true, visible: false, label:{highlight: false, offset:[5,-10]} });
var p_for_line2 = board3.create('point', [1, function(x){ return sliderBLU3_2.Value();}], {name:'1', strokeColor:'white', fillColor:'red', highlight: false, fixed:true, visible: false, label:{highlight: false, offset:[5,-10]} });
var line1 = board3.create('line', [p_for_line1, p_for_line2], {strokeColor:'red', highlight: false, fixed:true });

let newPoint;
newPoint = window.JXG.Math.Geometry.meetCurveLine(graph, line1, 0, this.board, true).usrCoords;

var p1 = board3.create('point', [0, 1], {name:'1', strokeColor:'white', fillColor:'red', highlight: false, fixed:true, label:{highlight: false, offset:[5,-10]} });

var intersection_point = board3.create('point', [newPoint[1], newPoint[2]], { strokeColor:'white', fillColor:'red', highlight: false, fixed:true, label:{highlight: false, offset:[5,-10]} });



Alfred Wassermann

Apr 3, 2019, 8:14:13 AM4/3/19
to JSXGraph
The intersection element supports intersection points of curves and lines.
Here is an examples, see :

var li = board.create('line', [[-4,2], [4,2]], {point1:{visible:true, color:'red', layer:9}, point2:{visible:true, color:'red', fixed: false,layer:9}});
var cu = board.create('functiongraph', ['exp(x)']);
var po = board.create('intersection', [li, cu]);

Best wishes,

0llowain !

Apr 28, 2021, 2:15:36 PM4/28/21
to JSXGraph
could you add this to the documentation?
Would have saved me some trouble.

It states here that only Lines and Circles are supported.


Alfred Wassermann

May 12, 2021, 7:17:42 AM5/12/21
to JSXGraph
Good suggestion!
The updated API reference is now in the 1.2.3 branch and will be released soon.
Many thanks,

Renju Soman

Apr 22, 2022, 3:45:11 AM4/22/22
to JSXGraph
Is it possible to find the other intersection of a curve and line? I used the below code it's not working.

          var f = board.create('curve', [function(t){ return Math.sqrt(2)*3*Math.cos(t);},
                        function(t){ return Math.sqrt(3)*3*Math.sin(t);}],{highlight:false,strokeWidth:2});

           var l3 = board.create('line', [[1,1] ,[1,3]],{highlight:false, strokeColor:'green'});

           var i = board.create('intersection', [f, l3],{name:'',color:'black',size:2});
           var j = board.create('otherintersection', [f, l3, i]);

Its showing the below error.
Screen Shot 2022-04-22 at 11.44.14 AM.png


May 17, 2022, 8:26:31 AM5/17/22
to JSXGraph
I have same issue, how to get other intersection point when a line meet a curve.

not sure how to solve this issue.

Alfred Wassermann

May 25, 2022, 2:33:57 AM5/25/22
to JSXGraph
Sorry for the long delay of my answer!
The right way to create "other" intersection points is to give the number, see it live at :

const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
    boundingbox: [-6, 6, 6, -6], axis:true

var f = board.create('curve', [
           (t) => Math.sqrt(2)*3*Math.cos(t),
           (t) => Math.sqrt(3)*3*Math.sin(t)


var l3 = board.create('line', [[1,1] ,[1,3]],{highlight:false, strokeColor:'green'});
var i = board.create('intersection', [f, l3, 0],{name:'',color:'black',size:2});
var j = board.create('intersection', [f, l3, 1]);

The element "otherintersection" works only for line / circle, circle / circle intersections. There, it is clear
that there are at most two intersection points. However, there mighty be many more intersection points between a line and a curve.

Best wishes,

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