the Checker Framework, and the Eclipse plugin for the Checker Framework.
* The Type Annotations compiler supports type annotation syntax.
in order to detect and prevent bugs in your code.
* The Eclipse plugin makes it more convenient to run the Checker Framework.
The new Constant Value Checker is a constant propagation analysis: it
determines which variable values can be known at compile time.
Overriding methods now inherit declaration annotations from methods they
override, if the declaration annotation is meta-annotate with
@InheritedAnnotation. In particular, the purity annotations @SideEffectFree,
@Deterministic, and @Pure are inherited.
Command-line options:
* Renamed the -AenablePurity command-line flag to -AcheckPurityAnnotations.
* Added a command-line option -AoutputArgsToFile to output all command-line
options passed to the compiler to a file. This is especially useful when
debugging Maven compilation.
These changes are relevant only to people who wish to use pluggable
type-checking with a standard Java 7 toolset. (If you are not having
trouble with your Java 7 JVM, then you don't care about them.)
* Made clean-room reimplementations of nullness-related annotations
compatible with Java 7 JVMs, by removing TYPE_USE as a target.
* Added a new set of Java 7 compatibility annotations for the Nullness Checker
in the org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual package. These
annotations do not require Java 8 but can only be placed in annotation
locations valid in Java 7.
Java 8 support:
The Checker Framework no longer crashes when type-checking code with lambda
expressions, but it does issue a lambda.unsupported warning when
type-checking code containing lambda expressions. Full support for
type-checking lambda expressions will appear in a future release.
Fixed Issue 343.