We have released a new version of the Type Annotations (JSR 308) compiler,
the Checker Framework, and the Eclipse plugin for the Checker Framework.
* The Type Annotations compiler supports the type annotation syntax that is
planned for a future version of the Java language.
* The Checker Framework lets you create and/or run pluggable type-checkers,
in order to detect and prevent bugs in your code.
* The Eclipse plugin makes it more convenient to run the Checker Framework.
You can find documentation and download links for these projects at:
Changes to the Checker Framework
Improvements to the Checker Framework manual including: more troubleshooting tips, an improved discussion on qualifier bounds, more examples, improved formatting, and more.
An FAQ entry has been added to discuss JSR305.
Minor clarifications have been added to the Checker Framework tutorial.
Changes to the Type Annotations Compiler
Base build
Updated to OpenJDK 8 tl/langtools and type-annotations/langtools
as of 31 Jul 2013.