"accuracy" keeps coming up false. driving me crazy and tried everything I know

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John Mark Johnson

Apr 19, 2021, 10:00:53 AM4/19/21
to jsPsych

Hi there,

Below is the code for my inspection time task that I am developing for my thesis. I am new to coding but I have put a great deal of effort into this and cannot seem to figure out why "accuracy" continues to return as false for these trials. Please let me know where I am going wrong.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="jspsych/jspsych.js"></script>
        <script src="jspsych/plugins/jspsych-html-keyboard-response.js"></script>
        <script src="jspsych/plugins/jspsych-image-keyboard-response.js"></script>
        <script src="jspsych/plugins/jspsych-instructions.js"></script>
        <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>   
        <link href="jspsych/css/jspsych.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">
var timeline = [];

var welcome = {
            type: 'html-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: "Welcome to our experiment. Press enter to continue.",
            choices: ['Enter']

var Detect_Ident = {
    timeline: [
            type: 'html-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: '<p> Ready </p>',
            prompt: "Press 'Enter' to begin trial.",
            choices: ['Enter']
            type: 'image-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: 'images/blank.png',
            choices: jsPsych.NO_KEYS,
            trial_duration: 500
            type: 'html-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: '#',
            choices: jsPsych.NO_KEYS,
            trial_duration: 30
            type: 'html-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('stimulus'),
            choices: jsPsych.NO_KEYS,
            trial_duration: jsPsych.timelineVariable('trial_duration')
            type: 'html-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: '#',
            choices: jsPsych.NO_KEYS,
            trial_duration: 300
            type: 'html-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: "<p> Was a letter displayed? Press 'y' for yes and 'n' for no.",
            choices: ['y', 'n'],
            data: {
                task: jsPsych.timelineVariable('condition'),
                correct_response: jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response_1')
            on_finish: function(data){
                var accuracy = false;
                if (data.correct_response == jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCodeToKeyCharacter(data.key_press)){
                    accuracy = true;
                data.accuracy = accuracy;
            type: 'html-keyboard-response',
            stimulus: "Press 'R', 'B', 'P' for the letter that was presented. If no letter was presented press 'X'",
            choices: ['r', 'b', 'p', 'x'],
            data: {
                task: jsPsych.timelineVariable('condition'),
                correct_response: jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response_2')
            on_finish: function(data){
                var accuracy = false;
                if (data.correct_response == jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCodeToKeyCharacter(data.key_press)){
                    accuracy = true;
                data.accuracy = accuracy;

var trial_info = [
    {stimulus: 'R', condition: 'R_80', trial_duration: 80, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'R'},
    {stimulus: 'R', condition: 'R_50', trial_duration: 50, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'R'},
    {stimulus: 'R', condition: 'R_30', trial_duration: 30, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'R'},
    {stimulus: 'R', condition: 'R_20', trial_duration: 20, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'R'},
    {stimulus: 'R', condition: 'R_16', trial_duration: 16, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'R'},
    {stimulus: 'B', condition: 'B_80', trial_duration: 80, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'B'},
    {stimulus: 'B', condition: 'B_50', trial_duration: 50, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'B'},
    {stimulus: 'B', condition: 'B_30', trial_duration: 30, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'B'},
    {stimulus: 'B', condition: 'B_20', trial_duration: 20, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'B'},
    {stimulus: 'B', condition: 'B_16', trial_duration: 16, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'B'},
    {stimulus: 'P', condition: 'P_80', trial_duration: 80, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'P'},
    {stimulus: 'P', condition: 'P_50', trial_duration: 50, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'P'},
    {stimulus: 'P', condition: 'P_30', trial_duration: 30, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'P'},
    {stimulus: 'P', condition: 'P_20', trial_duration: 20, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'P'},
    {stimulus: 'P', condition: 'P_16', trial_duration: 16, correct_response_1: 'Y', correct_response_2: 'P'}
var trial_procedure = {
    timeline: [Detect_Ident],
    timeline_variables: trial_info


      timeline: timeline,
      case_sensitive: false,
      on_finish: function(){
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