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does nullmarking packages recurese?

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Caleb Cushing

Mar 4, 2024, 2:45:40 PM3/4/24
to jspecify-discuss
so someone please correct me if I'm dumb here. A package, even with modules is just a "key", meaning in a  module.

given the 3 packages

from the current userguide

 > If applied to a module then its scope is all the code in the module. If applied to a package then its scope is all the code in the package.

export "com.myorg.lib"
export "com.myorg.lib.api"

are both required since it's not recursive (many tools make it so for classpath scanning but that's up to the tool). Obviously we don't want to export internal. Putting Nullmarked on this.  Since we put it on the module nullmarked also applies to com.myorg.lib.internal. If the consumers of the module aren't using JPMS is it still supposed to be respected by tools? I would assume so.

If I nullmark "com.myorg.lib" are `.api` and `.internal` also considered to be nullmarked? I feel like this could be a little clearer in the documentation.

Manu Sridharan

Mar 4, 2024, 5:35:20 PM3/4/24
to Caleb Cushing, jspecify-discuss
Hi Caleb,

According to my understanding, if you write @NullMarked on a module, that applies to all code in that module.  I don’t think whether packages are exported or not makes any difference.  If you wanted to set just a couple of packages from a module as unmarked, you could write @NullUnmarked in the files for just those packages.

If the consumers of the module aren't using JPMS is it still supposed to be respected by tools? I would assume so.

Yes, I believe the null-markedness of a module should still be respected by checking tools, even if client code isn’t using JPMS.

If I nullmark "com.myorg.lib" are `.api` and `.internal` also considered to be nullmarked? I feel like this could be a little clearer in the documentation.

The answer here is no: making the com.myorg.lib package @NullMarked does not make com.myorg.lib.internal @NullMarked (if I understood your question correctly).

I hope that helps!


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Caleb Cushing

Mar 4, 2024, 5:43:52 PM3/4/24
to Manu Sridharan, jspecify-discuss
The answer here is no: making the com.myorg.lib package @NullMarked does not make com.myorg.lib.internal @NullMarked (if I understood your question correctly).

It does. I think it should be clearly documented that it does not recurse, given how prolific it is for tools that let you specify packages to recurse (e.g. spring/hibernate).

Manu Sridharan

Mar 4, 2024, 5:47:05 PM3/4/24
to Caleb Cushing, jspecify-discuss
I agree with you.  Maybe it should even be mentioned briefly in the user guide.  This has come up before and it’s a common point of confusion.


Manu Sridharan

Mar 4, 2024, 5:50:44 PM3/4/24
to Caleb Cushing, jspecify-discuss
Went ahead and opened to get this somewhere in the user guide.


Chris Povirk

Mar 15, 2024, 12:04:45 PM3/15/24
to Manu Sridharan, Caleb Cushing, jspecify-discuss
Thanks for the questions, and thanks, Manu, for already documenting one answer.

On the question of whether module-info helps in a non-modular world, I am more pessimistic than Manu. I've dumped some thoughts into a new issue so that we have a record of this for future planning. If anyone is up for performing some tests or providing other info, it would be welcome.
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