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Manu and I are livestreaming about JSpecify tomorrow/Wednesday

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Kevin Bourrillion

May 16, 2023, 4:14:11 PM5/16/23
to jspecify-dev,
This is at 17:00 UTC (so for east coast US, 1:00 pm) and I'm told you'd just have to go here:

We do think a recording will be posted later. But if you're present you might be able to help respond to live chat questions and stuff. Up to you of course!

Kevin Bourrillion | Java/Kotlin Ecosystem Team | Google, Inc. |

Thomas Oellrich

Nov 9, 2023, 9:32:41 AM11/9/23
to jspecify-discuss
I watched this livestream. It was very informative, but is, unfortunately, no longer available. I would like to show it to some colleagues of mine. Do you think, it could be made available again, say, on YouTube? If not, is there another presentation on the Internet that one could watch?

Caio César

Dec 11, 2023, 4:46:39 AM12/11/23
to jspecify-discuss
Nicolai just made it available in his channel:
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