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Quarkus CDI injection with defaults

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Benjamin Evans

Oct 18, 2024, 11:13:51 AM10/18/24
Hi folks,

Sorry if this has been covered before - I'm still getting up to speed a bit.

I have some Quarkus code with properties like this:

  @ConfigProperty(name = "rbac.retry.back-off.initial-value", defaultValue = "0.1S")
  Duration initialBackOff;

The annotation here is org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty and given there is a default value, means that the field is guaranteed to be non-null.

Would it be possible to extend the checkers (I'm using NullAway) to account for this case and automatically detect that a CDI field with default values is @NonNull? What would be involved in this?


Ben Evans (He/Him)
Senior Principal Software Engineer & Java Champion, Red Hat Runtimes

Manu Sridharan

Oct 18, 2024, 12:15:14 PM10/18/24
to Benjamin Evans,
Hi Ben,

From a JSpecify perspective, I think the field is in fact @NonNull.  The error you’re getting from NullAway relates to the fact that it cannot see any initialization of the field, which I don’t think JSpecify has much to say about.  NullAway does have a configuration setting to skip checking initialization of fields with certain annotations:

It doesn't yet have a way to only exclude the field from initialization checking if some attribute is present.  If you open an issue on the NullAway repo, we can discuss there.  


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Oct 21, 2024, 2:40:55 AM10/21/24
to jspecify-discuss
I agree that it's out of the scope of JSpecify. IntelliJ IDEA does not report this field, as it recognizes the @ConfigProperty annotation as a possible implicit write. We support tons of fields from different frameworks which could be implicitly written. @InjectSoftAssertions (AssertJ), @javax.ejb.EJB (JavaEE), (Guice), @org.easymock.Mock (EasyMock), to name a few. Of course, JSpecify cannot cover all of them. In general, the semantics of annotation processing is an extralinguistic feature. So it's all about a specific static analyzer tool to recognize them.

With best regards,
Tagir Valeev

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