Tableau - web data connector?

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Lars Pedersen

Jul 1, 2020, 3:56:00 AM7/1/20
to json-stat

Does anybody know of a web data connector to Tableau based on json-stat?

Happy summer 2020

:-) LarsP

Xavier Badosa

Jul 3, 2020, 3:19:06 PM7/3/20
to json-stat
I'm not aware of any JSON-stat connector for Tableau. So probably a 2-steps approach is needed: convert JSON-stat to something that Tableau is familiar with.

For example, use the JSON-stat Command Line Conversion Tools 

to convert JSON-stat to simpler JSON flavors or to CSV.

Or use the rjstat

to convert JSON-stat to R and then import the result from Tableau.


Lars Pedersen

Jul 6, 2020, 3:22:23 AM7/6/20
to json-stat
Hi X,

Thank you so much for answering. Yesterday I found a hole using .relational_table as format from pxweb2020v1 to

I have done a short draft version on how-to on:

// with data from a Statbank.pdf

results on

best regards & happy summer 2020

:-) LarsP

Xavier Badosa

Apr 8, 2021, 12:42:19 PM4/8/21
to json-stat

The Statistical Office of the Canary Islands has developed a Tableau connector for JSON-stat (unfortunately right now it's only available in Spanish):

(You'll need to use the first option "URL del cubo / consulta de datos" and type the URL of your dataset.)


Jan Bruusgaard

Apr 9, 2021, 2:37:24 AM4/9/21
to json-stat
We tried this. It works towards the oecd.json test dataset,  we could not get it working towards the Statistics Norway's JSON-stat datasets. Interesting to see if it works for you, Lars?

Lars Pedersen

Apr 9, 2021, 3:08:13 AM4/9/21

Hi Jan                 (sorry for the mail-confusion)


Just mailed Xavier this mail below. Also tried with a JSON-stat saved query from SSB


And I cannot make it run.


Is this JSON-stat 2? On SSB there is only one JSON-stat format. On we have both versions





Hi X,


Thank you so much for remember & sharing. I haven’t looked to Tableau since last summer when I did this short description on how-to and made a simple example




Spanish is no problem as Silvia is still with us in Nuuk. She was actually born on Gran Canaria and I am sure, she would love to do a Greenlandic version


I took it for a short spin with a JSON-stat 2 file from our statbank







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Den 9. apr. 2021 kl. 08.37 skrev Jan Bruusgaard <>:

We tried this. It works towards the oecd.json test dataset,  we could not get it working towards the Statistics Norway's JSON-stat datasets. Interesting to see if it works for you, Lars?
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Jan Bruusgaard

Apr 9, 2021, 4:58:25 AM4/9/21
to json-stat

Hi, Lars,


If I understand you right, the canary Tableau connector worked with JSON-stat v2 output from your PxWeb installation?

Then we should look more into why this fail from us. We use tableau quite much, see!/


When I look back at the test we made. I see that tested this connector with JSON-stat version 2 output which I saved as a file on our web. And I did not try to look into why this failed for Thomas at our office. I did no try to contact The Statistical Office of the Canary Islands.

But Thomas got this error from Tableau:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of undefined stack:TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of undefined at Object.success ( at i ( at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] ( at y ( at XMLHttpRequest.c (


 But I confirmed that Thomas got the connector to work without errors from Tableau with


Then to your question:

There is still a bug in our saved query. The saved query lack support for CORS. I think that is the reason for why your saved query from us does not run.

 In the PxWebApi we offer both versions, but in the standard PxWeb and the saved queries (sq) that you refer to here, SSB still only offer JSON-stat version 1. The same is the case in the old API with readymade datasets.




Xavier Badosa

Apr 9, 2021, 5:53:39 AM4/9/21
to json-stat
Hi, Jan,

I'll report this to the Statistical Office of the Canary Islands. Could you privately send to me the file you used in your failed test?


Xavier Badosa

Apr 9, 2021, 6:44:23 AM4/9/21
to json-stat
I just noticed that Rita (who is in the developers team of this connector) is a member of this group. Maybe she can look into this and share some light.


Jan Bruusgaard

Apr 9, 2021, 7:22:40 AM4/9/21
to json-stat
I think it was this link I used that produced the error above. 


Apr 12, 2021, 6:34:48 AM4/12/21
to json-stat

Indeed, the error is caused by the CORS. It's one of the two requirements for the ISTAC Tableau Connector to work (being the other to be a v2.0 file).

Precisely, today we've just created a video to explain it better, hope it helps: ISTAC Nugget: Get JSON-stat data in Tableau (EN) / Píldora formativa: Tableau Cargar cubos JSON-stat (ES)

Best regards

Xavier Badosa

Apr 12, 2021, 11:32:32 AM4/12/21
to json-stat
Thanks Rita, I just saw the video where the two requirements are very clear stated. 

Lars Pedersen

Apr 13, 2021, 6:15:40 AM4/13/21
to json-stat
Hi again,

I wonder if you have any plans to publish an English version of your connector? Perhaps even a stripped simplified version with JSON-stat focus for minimal language translation needs. 

Statistics Greenland use PXWeb 2019v1 (cors enabled and json-stat v2.0) so all tables and queries can be served 

Example (data for population pyramid 2021):

best regards



Apr 16, 2021, 3:41:40 AM4/16/21
to json-stat
Hi Lars, 

Yes, we hope to have a translated version soon. 

Sorry for the inconvenience. In the meantime we hope that the video can help you. 

Best regards

Lars Pedersen

Apr 16, 2021, 4:41:05 AM4/16/21
to json-stat
Absolutely wonderful,

I have no problem in using the spanish version with data as saved queries from For easier reuse I would be very happy to see a general JSON-stat version with the most simple user-interface simply 'URL: +input field' If ok - I would be happy to host a copy on our web-site with prober citation. Next I would do a short 'how-to' in Danish, Greenlandic and English ...

best regards


Xavier Badosa

Dec 11, 2021, 2:59:20 PM12/11/21
to json-stat
Just in case you are interested in features not supported by the Canary Island's WDC, I developed my own:

I supports GET and POST requests and JSON-stat and SDMX-JSON.


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