oneOf Validation Issue

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Tim McDowell

Sep 23, 2019, 11:39:58 AM9/23/19
to JSON Schema

I am working on creating a complex JSON schema and am having issues with validating a "oneOf" construction.

I have created a very simple schema using "oneOf" and a simple JSON file to demonstrate the issue.

JSON Schema:

  "$schema": "",

  "type": "object",
  {"properties": {"test1": {"type": "string"}}},
  {"properties": {"test2": {"type": "number"}}}

JSON File:


When I validate the JSON file versus the schema using jsonschema.validate I expect for this to be valid. However I get the error response of:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in <module>
    jsonschema.validate(instance=file, schema=schema, resolver=resolver)
  File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\jsonschema\", line 899, in validate
    raise error
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: {'test2': 4} is valid under each of {'properties': {'test2': {'type': 'number'}}}, {'properties': {'test1': {'type': 'string'}}}

Failed validating 'oneOf' in schema:
    {'$schema': '',
     'oneOf': [{'properties': {'test1': {'type': 'string'}}},
               {'properties': {'test2': {'type': 'number'}}}],
     'type': 'object'}

On instance:
    {'test2': 4}

I don't understand how 'test2': 4 can be valid against "test1": {"type": "string"}.

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Ben Hutton (@Relequestual)

Sep 23, 2019, 11:54:29 AM9/23/19
to JSON Schema

Hey Tim,


This is a pretty common stumbling block here, so don’t worry.


You’re schema looks OK, but it’s not doing what you want.


You’ve assumed that the validation path should go down `oneOf[1]` and find it valid, and go down `one of[0]` and find it invalid, and so pass the overall `oneOf`.


Test your assumption.

What happens if you use the first subschema on its own?

Passes validation, right? As a result, `oneOf` is false, as it’s valid according to more than one subschema.


This is because it only expresses constraints for a property `test1`. Omission of a property key does not mean such is invalid.

`properties` only applies subschemas when the keys match, but does not place any constraint on the allowed keys of the object.


If you want to prevent additional properties in a schema, you need to use the `additionalProperties` keyword, with a value of false.


I’m addressing this common pitfall in my upcoming talk at ASC2019.


(20% off registration code: ASCSOCIAL19 if you can make it!)


Out of interest, what’s the reason for using `oneOf` here? A simplified example for demo purposes?


Feel free to use your much more complex schema and share using





Tim McDowell

Sep 24, 2019, 9:45:21 AM9/24/19
to JSON Schema

Ben -

Thanks for the explanation - it makes perfect sense now.  Making the properties required has the same effect of forcing the check to be made. 

It was a very simple example to understand how oneOf works before using it on a more complex schema.  I now have that schema working as well.


Timothy P. McDowell Executive Vice President Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC 3 N Pinckney St, Suite 202 Madison, WI 53703 office: 608-274-2577 cell: 608-225-5250

On 2019-09-23 10:48, Ben Hutton wrote:

Hey Tim,


This is a pretty common stumbling block here, so don’t worry.


You’re schema looks OK, but it’s not doing what you want.


You’ve assumed that the validation path should go down `oneOf[1]` and find it valid, and go down `one of[0]` and find it invalid, and so pass the overall `oneOf`.


Test your assumption.

What happens if you use the first subschema on its own?

Passes validation, right? As a result, `oneOf` is false, as it’s valid according to more than one subschema.


This is because it only expresses constraints for a property `test1`. Omission of a property key does not mean such is invalid.

`properties` only applies subschemas when the keys match, but does not place any constraint on the allowed keys of the object.


If you want to prevent additional properties in a schema, you need to use the `additionalProperties` keyword, with a value of false.


I’m addressing this common pitfall in my upcoming talk at ASC2019.


(20% off registration code: ASCSOCIAL19 if you can make it!)


Out of interest, what’s the reason for using `oneOf` here? A simplified example for demo purposes?


Feel free to use your much more complex schema and share using






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